Reunion Payment Info

Reunion Fee = $35.00 per adult

This fee includes all the following expenses EXCEPT  Alcoholic beverages at the dinner.

Rental of City Park, Rental of Lake Point Center building, Buffet dinner (which is $25.00 per person); this website/domain ("") fees, name tags, banner & any incidental costs.

Should you be unable to attend the dinner, but would like to come to the other activities, the charge will be $10.00 per adult.

**After hearing from several classmates with suggestions, we have hired a DJ to provide music. He will start playing towards the end of our meal. Our total fee is $225.00  One of our friends has paid the $150.00 deposit, so we would like to give her a refund. If you would like to make a donation towards this expense, please follow the links for "DONATIONS" and pay through PayPal or you may mail a check to the P.O. Box listed below.**

Payments may be made out & mailed thru the USPS to:

RHS 90 Reunion

P.O. Box 10039

Russellville, AR 72812


Payments may be payed through PayPal:

On the Home Page, right hand side of screen with "Donate" button in the box.

***All payments must be received by July 15, 2015.***



