
In this photo slideshow:  Ana Maria Marichal, Sean Ehinger, Anna Dowe, Ben Reinhold, Michael Gavan, Melissa Frey, Marybeth Fritz, Ben Izzat, Angie Zell, Dan Krieger, Lisa Bunker, Courtney Van Poppeln, Ryan Lueker, James Hurley, Becca Himm, Melissa Nash, Larry Neumann, Amanda Smith, Amy Hebl, Mary Korth, Heather deRuiter, Regan Zacharko, Nick Iles, Katie Mokma, Mark Schroeder, Geoff Skutt, Melissa Fillner, Jessica Manthey, Katie Mueller, Pat Demo, Lisa Storicks, Naomi Wendland, Jesse Stern, Chris Rathje, Pete Langbartels, Gina Borchers, Jacob Zieroff

Thanks to Allison Baltzersen, Anna Revord, and Michael Gavan for donating pictures! 

If you have any high school photos you would like to share, email them to me at jeslman@hotmail.com or add them to our facebook group page at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=16507735189&ref=ts



Most Likely to Succeed:  Heather DeRuiter and Ryan Lueker

Strongest Leader:  Jessica Manthey and Mark Schroeder

Biggest Apple Polisher:  Bethany Weber and Ryan Finkbeiner

Best Looking:  Bethany Weber and Ben Izzat

Most Athletic:  Missy Matteson and Brian Lynch

Best Legs:  Naomi Wendland and Ryan Finkbeiner

Teacher's Worst Nightmare:  Lisa Storicks and Steve Backus

Best Eyes:  Sarah Seifert and Mike Sosinski

Cutest Smile:  Melissa Fillner and Jesse Stern

Best Dressed:  Kelly Koppal and Ryan Lueker

Best Hair:  Rachel Trygstad and Brian Lynch

Most Easily Embarrassed:  Naomi Wendland and Chris Irving

Biggest Flirt:  Cyndi Sanchez and Mark Schroeder

Most Musical:  Melissa Nash and Geoff Skutt

Best Voice:  Melissa Nash and Mark Schroeder

Most Outgoing:  Bethany Weber and Mark Schroeder

Most Changed Since Freshman Year (appearance):  Sarah Seifert and Chad Graham

Most Changed Since Freshman Year (personality):  Christine Stevenson and Steve Backus

Best Smelling:  Angie "Fish" Zell and Ryan Lueker

Most Original:  Amanda Wilson and Luke Thompson

Class Clown:  Angie Zell and Steve Backus

Cutest Couple:  Missy Matteson and Seth LaBair

Most Involved:  Jessica Manthey and Mark Schroeder

Most School Spirit:  Melissa Frey and Chad Graham


Best Chapel Preacher:  Prof. Wooster

Most Athletic:  Prof. Gillespie

Best Sense of Humor:  Prof. Proeber

Best Hair:  Tutor "Mrs." Schulz

Most Intelligent:  Prof. Zeiger

Easiest "A":  Pres. Prange

Most Outgoing:  Pres. Prange

Most School Spirit:  Tutor Teague

Most Unusual Laugh:  Prof. Proeber

Most Helpful:  Prof. Schroer

Best Clothes:  Tutor "Mrs." Schulz

Best Smile:  Tutor "Mrs." Schulz

Best Voice:  Prof. Proeber


Steve Backus:  Pete, Chad; MLC; La Senorita, Drinking fountain before Physics, The fence attacking Josh Morris, Datric Pemo, Beve Sackus, Shark Moeder, "Gary! Gary!", Forks, Chapel rearrangement, Micah, Mark and I double-dipping Jim, Home run off Nick Bryant over the bleachers, Physics: "Get rid of that sucker!", Studying with Carla LaBair, 2 1/2 sacks vs Carrollton '97, "Must be jelly cuz jam don't jiggle"

Jon Bare:  Bare Man, Iron Man; MLC; Trip to MLC with Pres. Prange, Belvidere II, and the car shop there, E-hour Physics - no need to say more, Hammy's theatrical debut in Doctrine, Chapel Choir '99, Graduation speech: "Never wear Son-screen", my first class here: American Lit with Manthey: I was scared!, Canvassing Sean for Bible 11, McDonald's after Jr/Sn '99, Cedar Point with Bekah and Jakem, lunch with Irv, Jake, and Cyndi, German partner with Fink, Prof. Zeiger's stories in Brit. Lit., Track '99

Joe Berg:  MLC; The Sean Ehinger singlet fiasco, Hammy's back, J. boggs asking out Tutor Retzlaff every day, Greanya being a Jew, Steve givin' it to Fink at teh drinking fountain before Physics, nu-nu nu-nu nutsack, Super Techno Dance Party '99 with Tomas Georgi, Jim's finger falling off, Senior Prank '99, Must be jelly cause the jam don't jiggle, Micah and me burning each other in Chemistry, LaBair's Hakeem Shoes,

Gina Borchers:  CMU; The taods, Defective lockers, Spilling Stuff on myself all the time, Having to be in Band Fest, Birthday Parties

Ashley Buckler:  Ash, Peanut; Delta; Labor Day Weekend, "Greg put the cat down", "Ben your dogs out!", Prom '99, Jopsh hanging out of the limo, Cedar Point, Mel's wallet in the toilet, Madonna, Frosty with her scarves, And now... a cow!, JAM fries, BNGIR!, Billy Madison, "leg", Con. Choir mini-tour, The I love you cuz... children's book, My lunch buddies & our lunch table, dancing with Prof. Proeber at Prom, Spanish 3 thrills, Rides to Sebewaing on Arbor Day

Ryan Cording:  Fuzzy, Shaggy; U of M Dearborn; Wednesdays Senior year, KFC runs, 10:15 p.m. 6th term Senior year, Being basketball manager, Varsity Baseball, Ride home from St. Charles, Rule Breaking, Upperclassmen "Powers", Government class, Being agge 22 at Cedar Point, Being offered alcohol and saying "NO!", Thomas Georgi, Doctrine class, Every day 3 Senior year, The Jew, Social Science Olympics

Patrick Demo:  Obi-Wan Kenobi, Pele; MLC; March 16, 1997, Talking at the Texan with Jared, "Holy Inertia," February dance 1998, All of my friends to whom I am very thankful

Teresa Dennings:  TD, Mother Teresa; Delta College; Fireside chates, Labor Day weekend, Surprise peekin with Amanda, Ben's Scharrer's tiny smiley face boxer shorts, Marybeth's drive sprees, Middle of the night fire drills, Chapel switch, Bad showers, Jet skis and tubing, Junior year and Senior year banquets, All the dances, Hanging with TM, opening the stupid mail boxes, Study halls, and all other fun times with friends

Heather DeRuiter:  Michigan State University; Pwer to the Posts, My birthday party, Sophomore year, Suzie's room, Katie getting her hair caught in the fan, JV volleyball with Tutor Bode, The 3 "Bares", My Swedish cutie, Johnny Angel, Amanda running into doors and walls and the ball bucket, Stephinary, "We'll make you feel incredible," Barrabas, Ojibway Island, Numbers, Dale Witte, Quarter Pounder at McDonald's

Sean Ehinger:  Twanger, Nager; University of Toledo; 19-1, TVC Champs FReshman, Sophomore, and Senior year in Track, Football Junior and Senior years, Getting trucked by Lynch in practice, Making jokes in wrestling, Fun in Physics, Ben disciplining me in Physics, The Booger collection, Weekend at Ben's house, Rooming with my brother and Twitch, Day 3 in Steve's room, My touchdown senior year, Chapel choir with Mrs. Hart, Running all 4 relays

Melissa Fillner:  Melfil, Phil; MLC; Joseph jams, Katie's hssssss, Detour with Nick, Getting "stuff" out of trees with Naomi in CC, Meeting Scruffy, Ruan's with Regan,Snowmen with Katie, Being a rebel with Frey, 12:08, Amanda's candy cane chasses, Misison Impossible with Bode, All of GO!, Choir Tour '98, Beetleborgs, Tight pants, Toads as big as your head

Ryan Finkbeiner:  Fink, Stinkbeiner; SVSU; Labor Dan weekend fun, 1 shy of a baker's dozen, Back 2 back District Champs, Mackers and Hackers, Bungalo '98, CMU, WMU, Bon, Trips to Mark S's house after b-ball games, La Seniorita night, Sand Lake, Charle Voix, Carla LaBair's help in Advanced Math, Meatpacking Plant, Slurpees in the convertible, Drinking fountain

Melissa Frey:  Frey-daddy, Frey Sa; MLC: Katie's hair getting caught in the fan, The banana dare, Finger bus, Germany trip, Heather's party, Toads!, The lady in the purple coat, Kleenex's!, Cheezy potatoes!, La La lady, the "poop" dress, Suzie's room, "We're Rebels!"  Blue and black sweater, Scary Cabbage Patch people, Joseph dance, Spike the Spider, 12:08, Bob Ulfilas, Pick Pick, I am so hot Pzzzzzzzz!, Candy cane races

Marybeth Fritz:  Big Guns, Chief; Delta College; Sophomore tour, Junior/Senior banquet Junior year, Labor Day weekend '98, My brother's wedding, Carrie's black eye for junior year banquet, "Sweet dreams", Easter vacation '99, Sugar Festival '96 and '98, Greg's hugs, Jacob teasing me, Greg put the cat down, JAMS, 10:37 P.M., Arbor Day junior year, Phantom trip, Carrie planting grass, Utopia, "Fireside chats," Jessica's every year poster, Tobacco River, Ohio tour, Sr. Trip

Michael Gavan:  Gavan, Freeloader; Kalamazoo Valley Community College; Florida tour song, La Douceor, Mohacsi, Hoffmann, The Coffee Factory, Mr. Witte the swimming choir director, Dacklor was popped by Dee Iuzz's handgrenade, At "the river" with Jared, "Kegash", Requesting Dust Radio, Free food at TGIF, "Is there a storm coming? - no - It's the Magnum"

Chad Graham:  Dad; MLC; Weight lifting with G, Speech Night '97, Arbor Day '97, Dorm '97 & '99, Germany '98, Steve and I sayings, Back to back football championships, Football camp '98, Prom '99, New Year's '97, Intramural basketball champs '99, Giving out nicknames, Forks, Chaper, Cedar Point, Super fans, Track champs, Chapel choir capital of Thailand

Andrew Greanya:  Hog, Birthday Boy; University of Michigan-Flint; Having my birthday every Wednesday, Learning what "fuga" means, lunch with Lynch gang, German class, Naptime in Physics and Brit. Lit., "Andy, you're going to break your neck," Chapel Choir with Chad, Elbow wars sophomore year in chorus with Fink, When Larry broke his chair in Physics, Sophomore Tour, Coach both ways to and from Cedar Point

Chris Hamilton:  Hammy, Trojan Man; MLC; Movie, doors and door knobs, Wednesdays, KFC runs, Best Buiy, bennigans, Parties, Lynch, Prange, Smoothies with Luke, Pretty Fly for a White Guy, Rule-breaking, Sem's soon demise Wo ist unsere Macht?, The antics of Backus, Physics, Alcohol offers, Current Events commercials, Initiation with Cyndi, Pool tag, Thomas the Krazy Kraut, Disappointments in Doctrine (monkey babies, temple cult prostitutes), Day 3, Flirting with the closest women, Missy's basketball shirt

Amy Hebl:  H-Dogg, Ames; Delta College; Toads, Banana Dare, Regan's party, My 16th Birthday party, Easter trip to Katie Mueller's house, Beef jerky at track meets, Phantom trip in Toronto, great times with Regan, Bus rides to and from track, back to back TVC champs, Purple bathing suit

Rebekah Himm:  Droopy, Bekah; Wisconsin Lutheran College; Katie's fan, Tutor Mindock's brownies, Regan's party, toads, Alcatraz, CA cows, Mt. Dew, Track cheers, Back-to-back co-conf. and regional champs in track, Relay prayers, Pillow fights with Chris, CC and mini tour, Musical and Josh chasing the nuns, Hand, hand, hand, toss!, Driving to b-ball games, Cedar Point and rides with Jon and Jake, Physics, Grade school b-ball camp

Paul Hoenecke:  Michigan State; First term with Nutsack, Killing Dan's goldfish, Austin Powers, Sneaking into movies, Oldies with Micah, Jim blowing off his fingers, The bush didn't burn!, WWF with Mican and Michael, Good stuff in Evan's room beforehe got the boot, Late-Night TV, Tormenting Greanya at Cedar Point

Carrie Hopp: Hippity-Hopp, CareBear; Northwood University; "Gatorade" out of the bus window, the JAM fry, Titanic Interview, Phantom trip, The Gail letters, Destroying toiletries, Mancala ladies of the dance, dive bomb, "There's a girl golfer," "Watch out skunk," Gas station guys, Charleston cops, The bacon speech, Sebewaing trips, Idiot circle, Cedar Point '98, Softball sleepover, Applebee's, Basketball games, New chapel arrangement, Voice lesson trips, The park adn all of the good times with my friends

Brian Hughey:  Spewey, Chewy; SVSU; Joe's gerbil, Stink bombs, Hammy being reborn, Drew, Mic Nutsack, Chapel arrangement, Homecoming '99, 319 B11, Beavis & Butthead priemere, Nidy 2x Cedar Point, Mall excursions and other stuff - Did Janet Reno in Latin

James Hurley:  Prodigy, Dochlor; MLC; Freshmen Initiation, Football camp frosh & senior year, Sophomore tour, 217, 306, 322, The door knob & the Abyss, K-Mart, Role-playing, Fire alarms in the middle of the night, Quiet, Pizza with Tim and Mike McCormick, The arcade-tomorrow..., Garlic Sauce on the keyboard, Concert Choir and mini tour, Quatefest!, E-dogg tried to put the pin back in, DeeLuzz almost dodged Dachlor's rocket, Disgrace!

Nicholas Iles:  Nick, Dogg; Central Michigan University; Parties and hanging out with friends, noises in chapel, hours off with friends, and just all the times we've had here at MLS!

Christopher Irving:  IRV, Plum pudding; Michigan Tech,; Sophomore tour, How boring Cedar Point was, My roommates sophomore year, My strange human tricks, Drew!, Cyndi's lunch table secret, Larry's cabin

Seth Kock:  Gretzky, Mr. Sinister; MLC; GENA LEE NOLIN, Being in a band, Mall fo America, Sacrificing a pig's head, Exploding frogs and gerbils, White water rafting, driving aroudn West Virginia, Band with Mick, Vipers fames, Bond, Thunder Nationals, Backwards Chapel, Freshman base, Pimp coats, 19-1, Watching movies in Michael's room freshman football camp, The priemere of Beavis & Butthead

Kelly Koppal:  Oakland University; Driving to Greek town, Midnight MASH with Mary, Walking to the bridge sophomore year, The apt. with Sarah, Midtown coffee with Sarah, Jason, Luke & Ben, Frau making me and Inge sit so far away from each other, 2nd to last weekend of school at my dad's house, hiking around the Shiawassee wildlife reserve unconsciously, Waking up at 5 AM with Christine to study Advanced Math, WV with Sarah and Christine, Angie's "car"

Mary Korth:  Mary K., Marzbo; MLC; Going to my 3rd floor girls' rooms, Soph tour with Beth and nailpolish, NB for 1 week, "get on the pavement", Jessica's bed, Homecoming soph year party at Ben's and his cold floor just a back rub, BLT, my summer with Karla, Weekend after with LT, My birthday bash, pics with Angie and our snuggle time, my little "o" big rig, Christine's wall, Ding Ding, Sholanda, BT's, Raquel - my little Rachie, MASH

Dan Krieger:  Kriegz, DJK; MLC; Any physics class (especially the last one), Mark Schroeder giving BethAn a "lift" during free period, When Chad put my bed in the hallway, Andy's tab, Homecoming Senior year, The perfect pass from my cous', Larry's cabin, Being frisked when Joel was "drink", Reversing the chapel, Conga line at th Mississippi on sophomore tour, Chad "relieving" my plant, The Beaver-song and hat

Seth LaBair:  Delta College

Pete Langbartels:  Steve; MLC; Sean's singlet, West Virginia, When Coach G. asked me if I wanted to fight, Physics was boring, bell choir with Mrs. Berg

Ryan Lueker:  Alma College; 'Bama '99, Rearranging the chapel, Homework with Carla, All the trips in the white Bonneville, Watching the football games with the chicks, All of the productive study halls during Senior year, Freshman history with Tutor Wessel, Jim Boggs and Evan Doyle in the dorms junior year, Shotting waterballoons at people during exam week, Sledding at Lynch's, Snowmobiling at Christine's

Brian Lynch:  Cheeze; Alma College; Foo Nuts, 19-1, The Roost, Cutin pics in 309, Chapel Choir and Soph Tour with Mrs. Hart, TVC Champs, Bond, #6, #2, #24, Powdered donuts, Ice fishing naked, The fellas weekends, Fight nights, Labor day with Fink and Day, Districts, "What up now Varsity," Algebra I, Snowfest '98 and '99, Free room at the Point, BAMA '99, Watertower, November 4th, Chapel switch, Forks, Choppin wood, Mackers and Hackers

Jessica Manthey:  Brigitte; MLC; Road trips with Mary and Karla, Climbing the back of the bus, surprise on soph tour, Spice Girls, Arbor Day at Karla's - soph year, Powder Puff '97-'98, George, Price is Right lunches, SOM dressing room with Mary and Angie, decorating for banquet Jr. year, 4 great years of drama, Phantom trips with Sarah G., Operation POOP, "Get on the pavement," camping b-4 banquet, Mary breaking my bed, My 17th b-day

Melissa Matteson:  Missy; MLC; Going to Karla's house every weekend during volleyball season, Long talks in the hot tub, Plaing soccer on Karla's V-ball court, N-N-N-ninety nine cent nachos bellgrande, Riding the 4-wheeler at Seth's house, Kicking pigs with Seth, Goign bowling on Thursdays, Angie's "car," Doing laundry with Christine freshman year, The MLS v-ball tournament sophomore year, Playing volleyball on the bus back from a game with Karla, The Fuzzy thing

Katie Mokma:  Kate, Kates; Grand Valley State University;  Hurdle poses, Bus pictures, Africa, Bigfoot, "Christmas tree" at Karla's, Cheering at football games, Frosted Flakes, the Clique, "Good Hugs," "Sweet Dreams," 10:37, "Depends," "Peep," Jack, Phantom, Double dates, Whitecaps, Late night popcorn runs, "Mr. Fuzzy," Sugar Fest, Cedar Point trip with rain, Spieltags, Christine's, Before races with Katie and Erin

Katie Mueller:  Kate, Inspector Gadget; MLC; Labor Day weekend '98, Fireside chats, Uno games, Alcatraz, MuirWoods, My hair in the fan, 7-11 trips, "Mackinaw Bridge" walks, Collecting cans, Disappearing goofy stuff, Track meet, Wind, rain, cold and all, Back to back TVC and regional champs, Beetle boarges, Power to the post, Hssss, Heather's party, Friday night park walks, Howdy, Corridos, Stalling out, Concert Choir and mini tour

Melissa Nash:  Mel, Mom; Meredith; Bus stuck in the mud 2 years in a row, We were on TV!, Vampire, Phantom, The Gail letters, Destroying toiletries, Choralfests, Marineland, Chris yipping in CC, Mancola, Red sequins and blue eye shadow, Your muthur, Ladies of the Dance, Freshman year door, JAM fries, Michi who things mighty, Utopia, Fireside chats, Toy Story, Moo!, Ho-ho-ho!, Honkey/donkey, Pillow divebomb, Watch out, skunk, Old enough not to go to jail, Dane's song, The "crappy American falls", Buddha men, "Car," Georg (Mel Frey!), Schmuck, The "bacon" speech, Swim, boys, swim!, The finger bus, I only have one..., Grandma's knee brace, Highly recommended chicken, Up and Down, Ben, your dog's out, Greg, put the cat down, Polka, "Katie, your grandpa would say...," The "bedroom" scene, We'll make you feel incredible, MB

Larry Neumann:  Big-L, Larr Bear; MLC; My cabin, Beating up Andy in Physics, October 19th, Breaking the chair in Physics, October 20th, Wrestling season, Being frisked by the cops, Cedar Point, Weekend extensions north, Bo's Gap, Late night at the Texan, Back stage at the play, The time Andy fell asleep during a Physics test, The night Chad and Pete stole my towel and keys from the shower, The time when we moved Dan's bed into the hallway, Kicking Gavan out of the room, Going to Star Wars and seeing Dean Rodewald, Summer of weight lifting, Every Lit. class, Andy's tab

Ben Priebe:  Ben Dover; MLC; 12/20/97, Back to back district champs, Football TVC champs, Tony's table, Foonuts, Pitting out in Latin II, Steven in Physics class, CMU, Throwing bread at Chris, All the good and bad time with Rachel, 19-1, Chopping wood with DW, Sand Lake, "We be chilling", Forks, Dog poo, Beating up Ehinger, THIN CRUST, Bungalow '98, Slurpees in the convertible, Gus Mackers and Red Hackers with the boys

Chris Rathje:  Crotchy; MLC; 13 veer, TVC Champs, 252 yards, Skinny dipping in Ducker's Pond, Flashing M-24, Me and the captain in Lake Orion, Ben and Jerry throwing bread, Any Physics class, Chopping wood, 19-1, District titles, Super fans, CMU, Fighting Steve, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Switching chapel, Punching contests, Tetris, Beth's hands, Pillow fights, Yellow thongs, Cupped Physics chair, Ben's booger collection, No more mild chubs, Ben's neck beard, Karamel, Goldschloger, Partying with the Train, Skip day at Hooters

Benjamin Reinhold:  Cakes, BC; Oakland Community College; Hangin out at Deez's, Boys weekend at Lynch's '99, Sledding '99, Caro girls, Showers on Thursday, Sunday drives, Devil's night with Mike and Brian, cutting pictures in 309 with Banks and Cheez, homecoming party at Lynch's '99, Chapel arrangement, Forks, Drives with Kelly, Captain with Bater and Rathje, Sunshine with Lynch and Rathje, Punts with Lunch Freshman year

Jared Remer:  Reme, Jesus; MLC; Larry's cabin, The fire larm at MLC, Basketball at Amy's, 3 conference championships, the Texan and River with Mike, Playing with Dust Radio,  Meeting Gena Lee Nolin, the alley-oop to Jesse freshman year, Burger King with James and Steph, Mike Soman and Chris Hamilton dancing for Powder Puff, The evil digital clocks, Jesse's house for New Year's Eve, Riding to Minnesota in the back of a Labaraon

Jessica Scharrer:  Weirdo, Eeyore; MLC; Bienz wars, Cheerleading practice, "Jella," Fireside chats, Utopia, Tobacco River, Planting Grass (Carrie), Late talks, Floor meetings (bubbles & snacks), Watching Mel dance undercover, PEZ, Government Day, My yearly posters, "Sexy German," My house of refuge... after you came 2 your family, Jam fries on Carrie's car, Watch out Skunk!, The Ohio tour by Jes

Mark Schroeder:  Red, Bomb; MLC; Tony's table, Thincrust, "Dude, take a picture!" "Hello, hello, hello?!?" Soph chorus and Mrs. Hart, 19-1, 2 TVC and 2 District, Taco Bell Time, Day 1 D's with Han, Haithco Park, Dust Radio, Uncle Bob's, "That was one hot dip," Chapel chairs, Wings, Bonfires at Sarah's, K.P., Fuller's cabin, Forks, Schnarf, Making fun of Josh, Big hands, MLS, Surge, Air Guitar, Clovers, Working @ Jim's, 11/8/97, Candy canes

Sarah Seifert:  Smokey, Big Sis; MLC; All the times at Christine's house, S.B. in WV, Driving with Kelly down to Cori's, Ben, Luke and Jason and coffee hour, Stalling w/ Rachel and Angie, Walking the streets with Angie, The "Fuzzy Thing," Parties at Mary's, Duct tape with Mary, Rooming with Rachel, Bowling, BethAn and her laugh, Rpm weekend at Kelly's and camping, Bonfires at Christine's, Weekend at my house with Kelly and Christine

Karla Sieggreen:  SVSU; Getting kicked in chapel, DFAB, V-ball weekends with Missy, Therapy with Regan, Amanda, Missy, Sitting on the bench with Amanda, Picnic with Jess, Angie, Kelly and Sarah, Ashley beating me up, DQ with Missy, My summer with Ryan, Playing poker with Brian and Ryan, Going out before football games, Chillin in the Keys, Spending all my life with Jess, B's wedding, Hot'N'Now with Beth, Y with Regan, Cheering with Rachel at every basketball game

Geoffrey Skutt:  Billy Joe Bob; MLC; 4 years of Bandfest, Making new friends (well... maybe), Scaring freshman, Dorming last year and a half, Florida Concert Choir tour, Wooster's science classes, Senior class trip, Sophomore tour, Star Wars Episode I, KindEed

Amanda Smith:  Manda; Alma College; Tortilla Chip talks, Suzie's room, Candy canes, Pledge waterfights with MA, 3 Bares, Bananas, Heather's B-day party, German trip, 1998 & 1999 regional track meet, Ice bags, Trainer's room, California trip, Look it's Alcatraz, It's a roommate thing!, Hot fudge fundaie, Helping Leisel change into her nightgown, Trip to Saginaw Zoo, V-ball '99, Falling into the bucket of balls

Mike Sosinksi:  MLC; Setting off the fire alarm at MLC on sophomore tour, Trips to Cedar Point (especially getting in free), Psycho Connection's paintball tourney, Plaing chicken on the highway to MLC with Cyndi, Jesse and Jared, 4 fun-filled years of Latin, Viper's game with Gena Lee Nolin

Jesse Stern:  Jess, Jester; MLC; Alley-oop v. Hemlock Freshman year, Setting off fire alarm on sophomore tour, Playing chicken with Mike, Jared and Cyndi, Meeting Gena Lee Nolin, New Year's Eve bashes, Free food at TGIF's, Cedar Point trips, WEst Virginia trip (stupid southerners), TRACK!!!, Getting concussion from Brian Lynch, Coloring in Tutor Wessel's class, Ultimate on the beach, TVC football and track champs!

Christine Stevenson:  BeanBean; Alma College; Fuzzy/ Taco Bell Thing, 4-man room frosh year, Ben's house soph year, Laundry room with Missy, Snarly, Toasty, 4th of July's with Mary, New Year's Eves with Missy and Angie, Snowmobiling weekend, MLC trip with Ryan, Parties with Ang, WV, Long drives in the Bonneville, Rooming with Missy (making the weekends fun), car lots and Hot'N'Now with Kelly, Watching stars

Lisa Storicks:  Delaweener, Communist; MLC; My one special dance, Gregg and Ben, Toads, "Gregg put the cat down," Goat boy, "Honk if you love flamingos," Fillner stories, Famous Dave's  Bar(b-que), "As you are a delaweener, so he is a donkey," Duos with Brian, Road trips to Minnesota, "Ben your dog's out," Scary windy roads, running the loop, "Katie, polka," Rooming with Heidi at MLC, "Foo," The Hartley experience

Rachel Trygstad:  Rach, Rachie; Muskegon Community College; 11/6/96, 12/20/97, Christine's house, New Year's '96, Priebe's house, Grandma and Grandpa Brenner, Fuzzy thing, Rowing the boat, Football and basketball games, Mary's parties, Bowling on Thursday, Fun at Karla's, Taboo, "Just because you have a bad day doesn't mean you have to take it out on us!," "Get on the pavement @#*!#" Making T-shirts for districts

Naomi Wendland:  Mi, Thumper; University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Golf balls in cross country practice, Buckwheat pancakes and raisins, Hanging from the tree at Immerman, Halloween practices at Immerman, Friday soccer games, T.B., State CC 1998, Icy Hot and Orange peels, 7-11 and Bazooka gum wrappersm, can collecting, Dandylions

Amanda Wilson:  Dregs; SVSU; My parties, Getting the TV room couch turned over on me numerous times, The incident on fourth floor, The "fridge," The movie made at my open house

Regan Zacharko:  Reggai, Regs; Delta College; #44, #52, Beef Jerky at track meets, Back 2 back conference co-champs, Back 2 back regional champs, Sports bus songs, Bananas, Macy's dressing room in California, BAM, Spring Break in California, ALCATRAZ, The big toad, Animal crackers, Ashley put the hood down!, The sunglasses, Eating raw cookie dough off the egg beaters, Bubba's hugs from Krissy, Zorro and the tape roll woman, Sugar shots

Angie Zell:  FISH, Angelica; Washtenaw Community College; Christine's house, Ket and the McDonald's curb, Holiday Inn, Prom weekend '99, Poking Christine's butt, "fishing" at Brian's hosue soph year, Snuggle time with Mary, Going out with the girls before the games, Throwing wate rballoons at cars with Karla, "I'm a human blanket!" The girls senior prank, Fun in the dorms with the girls, Thursday night bowling, "Thumbs up," Doing "the car"

Jacob Zieroff:  Bro; MLC; Freshman year of football camp, Sophomore chorus class, Staying in the dorm, Winning the TVC two years in a row for football, Being names Special Teams Player of the Year junior year, All the basketball games, Homecoming junior year, Physics with Andy, Doctrine class, The time Pastor Dietrich called Andy - Andrea, Hitting a grand slam against Frankenmuth, Going 7-0 in conference for football senior year, Concert choir and mini tour
