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Virginia Schultz Hafner

Profile Updated: March 21, 2014
Virginia Schultz
Residing In: Chesaning, MI USA
Children: Christopher: 1971
Joseph: 1973
Grandson: Ryley 1998
Granddaughter: Karley 2003
Grandson: More…Jaxson - Born June 2008, Died July 2008
Attending Reception at MLS (05/23/14)


My occupation(s) and or accomplishments:

The summer of '64 I began working for Consumers Power Co. in Saginaw. June of 1967 married Tom Hafner. Took awhile but grew to love living in the country. Became a stay at home mom when our first son was born.
I did eventually get back into the work force but retired for good when my husband's health began to decline. The Lord called Tom home in 2001.

Current events in my life:

Remained living in the country for many years after Tom passed away but have since moved back into the small town of Chesaning where I grew up. I'm contently settled in and very happy and thankful that both sons and grandchildren live so close by. I stay busy even though it's at a somewhat slower pace!

Other interesting details:
