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•   Richard Starr  5/22
•   Kevin Kline  3/28
•   Sue Ferch (Jankens)  2/8
•   Bonnie Klement (Schultz)  6/16
•   Dennis Dodd  2/13
•   Paul Scharrer (Scharrer)  1/17
•   Wayne Laitinen  7/1
•   Lynn Thumme (Groth)  5/4
•   Susan Press (Lewallen)  3/24
•   Lawrence Rogien  3/10
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

3 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
2 live in California
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Kentucky
25 live in Michigan
4 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Tennessee
1 lives in Virginia
2 live in Washington
11 live in Wisconsin
7 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Michigan Lutheran Seminary Class Of 1970 website. The MLS Foundation is happy to provide this site for you. We hope you'll also visit our website for more information on the MLS Foundation and the ways we support Michigan Lutheran Seminary.


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 Just to the right, click on Join Here.
Find and Click on your name.

If you are married to another alumnus or alumna from the class of 1970, each of you will need to create a profile with a DIFFERENT email address. The system doesn't allow for duplicates.

Gentlemen, please do not add a "married" last name. This is for female classmates who also have a maiden name listed.

Please complete your profile information and add pictures! We will use this information to publish a memory booklet for your class reunion. We will create the booklet on May 1, 2020, so be sure to update your profile before that time. 


Class Hymn

May We Thy Precepts, Lord, Fulfil

Class Flower

White Carnation Tipped in Blue


Class Colors

Powder Blue and Navy


Class Motto

"Let us Walk in the Light of the Lord"

Are you missing our emails?

Please be sure to add "" and "" to your safe senders list.

Also, if you have unsubscribed from general foundation emails our system will automatically exclude you from future reunion emails. Please contact us if you wish to limit the types of emails you receive.

Details for the Friday evening gathering have been updated. After the concert, June (Frank) Naumann will have a gathering at her home in Saginaw with snacks, drinks, and home-brewed beer. Please visit the 50th Reunion page to RSVP today!

We are still awaiting word from the MLS Administration as to whether graduation will be able to proceed as planned during the weekend of May 22. As soon as we have any new information we will post an announcement here.