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07/27/09 08:24 AM #84    

Trent Klug

Hello everyone, sorry that Shannon and I were so late to the reunion. I didn't get back from my military committment until late Saturday afternoon and with travel from the airport...well, we were just lucky to make it there by 9pm.

Everyone looked great and it truly felt like being with everyone was just yesterday in the hallways rather than 30 years down the road. Okay, give or take a few pounds, some wrinkles and life experiences.

A big thank you to Lisa, Edie and others for making Shannon feel like part of the old gang! And my apologies for losing touch with you all.

07/27/09 10:23 AM #85    

Dan Parker

Rosemary, thanks for the early pics for those of us who did not make it. I got Peggy, Wendy, Bob M. and Tim K. but most of the others are tough. Kind of like a line-up where you can't QUITE pick out the bank robber and everyone looks a little guilty.

I know captions would be too much to ask, but I'll ask anyway..?

And just wondering, why does everyone look so tanned? I thought most people lived in Oregon. Global tanning?

07/27/09 02:37 PM #86    

Carmen Haynes (Nasholm)

Dan: It's been a warm summer! I was just noticing the same thing!

Thanks to all who have/will be posting pictures. It is fun for those of us who couldn't make it to live vicariously through you all.

07/27/09 02:51 PM #87    

Rosemary Goesch (Grieser)

Dan I've added names now under the pictures.

07/27/09 05:38 PM #88    

Jory Radke

I've uploaded most of the pics I have from Sat on facebook, names (that I could remember) in captions. Thanks to all for helping tag photos.

Thanks Dave, Peggy, and crew for fantastic event, Thanks everyone for a great time.

07/28/09 10:17 AM #89    

Peggy Parent (Houston)

Ok I have an idea. I heard so many people say we should get together more often than every ten years and even as often as every year. So! Why don't we establish an annual gathering at On the Roc's the 4th Friday (or Saturday)of every July?? It was a great place to gather, plenty of space and good atmosphere...close to where so many people live. Let me know what you think and if enough are in favor we can put it on the calendar in ink!! And we can keep searching for those elusive missing classmates....

07/28/09 11:00 AM #90    

Jory Radke

Brilliant! My parents both graduated in Dallas, OR, albeit different years. They have standing dates at Dallas City park (where I first met Tom Smith in 1969), and at restaurants in Dallas. They originally thought it might last a couple years, but still going. I second Peggy's nomination, all those in favor...

07/28/09 07:42 PM #91    


Linda Satter (Heinsoo)

I think getting together every year is a wonderful idea, I 3rd it!!! :) We have already lost a lot of classmates and we never know when it will be someone else so let's keep the gatherings going. It was such a fun weekend. I wasn't very outgoing in high school (and still not) so I don't remember everyone, but getting to know people from high school now and in the future would be wonderful. Thanks again to all that had a hand in getting all that could, together, for our reunion.

07/28/09 11:26 PM #92    

Debbie White (Newman)

Hi Everyone,
I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to make it this last weekend and would like to say...Ditto on thanking you all who have/will be posting pictures. I agree Carmen, it is fun for those of us who couldn't make it to live vicariously through those that attended.

I saw the photos on Jory's FB (thanks Jory), is there a place on this reunion website where photos will be posted?

07/28/09 11:58 PM #93    

Carmen Haynes (Nasholm)

Let's give it a try. It may seem less intimidating to some folks and there might be some attend that couldn't make it to the big event. If someone sends the invite, we'll do our best to make it.

07/29/09 09:40 AM #94    

Peggy Parent (Houston)

Debbie, Rose Goesch has some on her profile page. I will get some up soon, just needed a break from working on reunion stuff!! Anyone who has pictures and wants me to post them on the site send them to me at

07/29/09 12:43 PM #95    

Jackie Barner (Mardock)

4th Friday or Saturday in July - it's on my calendar. Keep the pics coming people!

07/30/09 04:50 PM #96    

Leslie Whitney (Boom)

Writing this in the comfort of our A/C: It was such a nice reunion the committee put on for us. I wish I would have had more time to visit longer with people. I'm glad I was able to donate the prizes, and I wanted to comment on the bags the wines were in. Designer Patty Reed owned Daisy Kingdom here in Pdx. Since selling that bus. she has been designing reusable tote and wine bags made out of recycled plastic water bottles. Anyway, she was in my store for a "bag-signing demo" and I had her sign ours "class of 79".
I hope the recipients enjoy the wines, too. Leslie

07/30/09 05:44 PM #97    

Susan Castronovo (Needles)

Leslie...I loved Daisy Kingdom! Are thoes totes available at Fred Meyer now? It was great seeing you and all of the other class of 79ers! To the reunion was a great event and a yearly get together is a great idea! Thanks for all of the pictures too. To next year...CHEERS.

07/30/09 07:50 PM #98    

Peggy Parent (Houston)

Leslie, thanks again for donating all of that! They were wonderful gifts!! I'm glad you mentioned the Daisy Kingdom bags.
I just wanted to mention that on Sat, Kent Johnson sat at our table and he said couldn't read but he wanted to know who was on the list at the memorial table, so he asked my sister in law Stacey to go read the list to him. Then he asked me if I could teach him to read. I told him I would if I lived in the area but I would see what I could do. So if there is anyone in the Salem/Keizer area that would be willing to meet with Kent and tutor him that would be great. I had someone suggest if there was any money left over maybe we could pay for tutoring for him. Since we did have several unexpected people show up at the door and pay we do have some money, plus enough to pay for 10 years of the website. Kent was thrilled to be at the reunion, he loved his birthday dance, and he is a really nice guy.

08/01/09 08:39 AM #99    

Wendy Shearer (Frey)

Hello Everyone. What a wonderful reunion. It was so much fun. I just wanted to remind everyone who doesn't yet have a FB account....SET ONE UP...IT IS FREE....and we can all still keep in touch. It is so wonderful sharing stories and seeing pictures of everyone's families. It also is a great tool for posting pictures of our class reunion.

I look forward to everyone trying to get together more often. Let's talk picnic next summer.

Have a wonderful August.

God's Favor, Wendy(Shearer)Frey

08/03/09 04:23 PM #100    


Linda Satter (Heinsoo)

Hi everyone, hope all is well. I just wrote some of you on your facebooks that I would like you to email me pictures of the reunion, so anyone that has pitures I would so much apprecitate it if you could email me pictures. The pictures that I took did not turn out and I want to put a scrap book together. Let me know if you could to that.
Thanks and all take care.

08/03/09 09:41 PM #101    

Jeff Davis

I would like to suggest that Leslie provide us with a monthly wine suggestion for both a economic selection and a high end, preferably red. We buy our wine near the Fred Meyer near my office and they always seem to have the best prices and a good selection of Northwest wines, so it would be great to get the inside scoop on what is a good wine to try.

It would be another reason to check the web site for an expert opinion. Maybe we could even do a class of 79 wine tour.

08/05/09 12:55 PM #102    

Connie Hardman (Springer)

Steve Keifer is coming to town.... I spoke to him yesterday. Should be here around the end of September, thought we could meet at Weavers home away from home "On The Roc's" again.

I will post the time and date both on here and the Facebook website.


08/09/09 11:07 AM #103    

Peggy Parent (Houston)

We have a volunteer to teach Kent to read so I will keep you posted on that!! Thanks Karla Kelley!

Jeff, the monthly wine suggestions would be fun. I am thinking that we can also use the site for our classmates to advertise their businesses. I will see if I can set up a page for business cards.

09/12/09 01:24 PM #104    


Linda Satter (Heinsoo)

Hi everyone,

I hope all of you have a had a wonderful summer. I'm sorry it's almost gone. Can't believe the holidays are just around the corner. I am glad to see that we have someone to tutor Kent.
Well I just wanted to say to everyone, I have beans in the canner that are calling my name, better get back at it.
Hope to hear from all soon.
Take care,

10/03/09 10:35 AM #105    

Wendy Shearer (Frey)

Hello Everyone.
Happy Fall. I cannot believe the summer came and went so fast. I am busy picking pumpkins today and hanging the ol scarecrow wreath on the front door. Soon I know it will be coming down and a Christmas wreath will replace it.

I hope everyone is well and enjoying football season along with the changing colors of the leaves. Fall is a very beautiful time of year.

Many hugs and kind thoughts for everyone this fall.

Blessings, Wendy Shearer Frey

11/05/09 10:57 AM #106    

Trent Klug

Well, you all should be very scared as another Klug was introduced into the world on October 2nd! Fortunately, Bella has her mother's looks and she is happy and healthy. I have posted a few pictures under my profile. She's already made trips to see The Great Pumpkin and to her first hockey game.

11/25/09 07:08 PM #107    

Wendy Shearer (Frey)

Trent and Shannon, Congratulations. Bella is just beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen you so happy Trent. You have a very precious family and Thank You so much for sharing Bella with us.

Have a wonderful, Blessed Holiday and take lot's of pictures to keep sharing. These times go by so fast.

Yes, Bella is very pretty like her Mommy.

Warm Wishes, Wendy

10/06/19 09:25 PM #108    

John Lauck

Fantastic 40 Year Reunion at the Keizer Community Center.   Thank you Peggy and other committee members for organizing the tour of the school, the evening out at Kolby's and of course the reunion dinner and dance party.   Nancy and I had a blast meeting some familiar faces and also some new ones.  Kooky DJ, but great songs and lots of laughter.  Laura and Daughter of Magnus, your little chats were awesome and brought back some great memories.  I will always remember that Iceland is a "hot spot".  Hope to see you all real soon again. 

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