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Janice Kerkhove

Residing In: Omaha, NE USA
Attending Reunion



Just a quick e-mail to let you know I will not be able to attend the class reunion. My significant other and I own a DJ company and we play for a benefit fund raiser every year on the July 4th weekend. Sorry to miss the fun!!! Just a little bit of what goes on with me. For the past 6 years, I have been doing transport service for the elderly and for others that don't have transportation. I was working for a company called 'Prince Of The Road' but a year ago, I left them and went to work for another transport service. The people who started the new service used to all work for the other company but got tired of being screwed over by them so started their own company. Most of our drivers used to work for the other company as well. When us drivers left the other company, a lot of our regular clients decided they wanted to stay with the drivers they knew and trusted so changed their transport service. My leaving the other company cost them about 100 transport a week as well as the transports they lost because the other drivers had client that followed them as well. It hurt them to the extent that they estimated they lost about $110,000 for the year so they decided to sue the new company and all the drivers that had worked for them. Our company lawyers are handling the whole situation, depositions have been given and it has gone before the judge for the first hearing. It will be several months before this is all settled but I am not too worried about it as they really don't have a leg to stand on. Between working some long hours at my job, I also keep quite busy. We are doing some remodeling on our house and we DJ for a lot of weddings and private parties. We also do a lot of fund raisers. We just did one a couple of weeks ago for the family of a little 4 year old boy with lukemia. Medical bills have depleted the insurance and they are really struggling to pay bills. We raised a little over $8,000. It don't seem like much but every penny counts. For relaxation, I like to go fishing but didn't find much time for that last year. I hope to get more time this year. We usually come up to South Dakota and go fishing during Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends but Memorial Day we are booked for a party so won't make it then. Oh, well!!!! Maybe next year!!!! I am going to close for now before I fall asleep at the computer. It has been a long day and I want to get up and plant my garden tomorrow. Take Care!!!!! Jan Kerkhove
