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10/22/09 07:37 PM #1    


Catherine Ford (Barbiero)

Welcome to the Granite High School Class Of 1970 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

10/27/09 04:29 PM #2    

Virgil Day

I saw the video about the infamous Kent State incident of 1970. The Apollo 13 mission turned out to be a sucessful failure or a failure turned into a sucess depending on how you look at it. It was an example of how people are able to improvise,adapt,and overcome to circumstances. For me,1970 was a good year because I graduated on June 4th of that year. While going to school,during released time I was among four others(Jill Petit, Diane Aramaki, Darlene Brodhead, and Sam Barbiero) who donated their time aiding handicapped children at the Rotary Training Center; and had my picture taken in the Granite High School Newspaper. Alot has happened since then. From June 14,1972-June 14,1974, I served in the US Army as a medical specialist and have been working in the medical field ever since.
Virgil Day (AKA Bud)

02/24/10 08:59 AM #3    

Kevin Harrison

A classmate, Kevin Fink, passed away on April 7, 2006. His wife was Rolayne Probert. Do you remember her? She went to Granite I think until 1970 then Murray High in 1971.

If you need any other information about Kevin, let me know and I’ll get it for you.

Kevin Harrison

02/27/10 07:13 AM #4    

Deloris "De" Hortin (Wilhelmsen)


I am so impressed by what you have started. It looks like you are getting some much-needed help. The website is full of surprises. I would like to know who put the photo/slideshows together. Wow! They look great. It must have taken a lot of time to collect the pictures and fix them up. I also loved the video. I had a Pinto that was a clone to the one in the clip.

The connections are growing. I recall that we had about a thousand students in our graduating class. I would bet that by August, at least a hundred more will have logged on. It has prompted me to look at those long forgotten yearbooks. I can't help but wonder what happened to all these promising kids. I look back on the notes in that book, and feel lucky to have graduated with so many bright and interesting people. Now they just to pony up with some bucks so you can fund the reunion.

Thank, -De

03/09/10 08:44 AM #5    


Catherine Ford (Barbiero)

Thanks De for your comments.

Our Webmaster Classmate is Dennis Brown - I sent him the pics that I have accumulated or taken myself and he put them on the website.

As for the movies on the site - those came with the decade I chose for a template from the website as I began to set up the Website to begin with. I thought they were pretty great too - some of it you forget over the years until you see the videos and are reminded.

I have noted more interest for this reunion than those gone by except for the 20-Year & 30-Year. At the 35th we had only 56 in attendance and some of those were dates or wives that did not go to Granite. We had close to 800 kids graduate in 1970 - we had the largest graduating class Granite High School ever had -- the following year Cottonwood H.S. opened and took quite a few kids from Granite.

Please also be signed up on

And yes, we do need more funds -- the $800 we had left over from the last Reunion is committed ($500 refundable deposit, $250 Rent for the event, $95 for insurance). We have rec'd several donations - Mark Buchi, yourself, Wendy (Johnson) & Scott Henderson (married), Craig Lemmon, Brent Ursenbach, and Irene (Grandlund) Wintch so far. We need every dollar we can get to help with the Reunion. Thanks again for your help with that!

03/29/10 07:56 PM #6    

Deloris "De" Hortin (Wilhelmsen)

I'm surprised we only had 800 graduates, in my memory it seemed closer to a thousand. I do remember it was the largest graduating class Granite ever had. In my opinion, we were a fine bunch. I love to read the autobio's. Occasionally I run onto a name or two of people we went to high school with, who are not listed. I think Trent Harris still lives in Salt Lake. He was interviewed last year, by author, Scott Carrier for a piece he did for This American Life, (about Elizabeth Smart). I also recall reading a brief book review written by Shelley Wiscomb, but I cannot recall her married name. As word gets out about what a good job you've done on this site, interest in the reunion will grow. I'd love to attend, but at this point, it's iffy.
Keep up the good work- De

09/01/10 09:41 PM #7    


Kathy Kalivas (Backer)

I  wish I would have attended the 40th reunion this year.  It would have been great to see old friends again from school.  Unfortunately, I lost my mother to cancer this February and I am still mourning the loss.  People don't realize just how special a mom can be.  After my husband was killed in an accident four years ago, my mother was my strength that kept me going.  She let me know it was okay to feel so empty and alone and that it would get better with time.  She was my rock. 
People with family members like sisters are so lucky they have each other.  Mine deserted me to fulfill her "Need for Greed", so I have nothing of my mother's to remember her by.  Close families are lucky to have each other.  Even friends that stay friends after school is over have no idea how rich their lives are.
Be thankful


01/15/11 12:03 PM #8    


Don Priestley

Hi Cathy,


Is there any photos of the 30 Year reunion?


Don Priestley

06/23/11 02:10 PM #9    


Allison Blunt (Toronto)

This is Allison Blunt - 1970 graduate. My husband and I are serving a mission in the Palmyra New York Mission until October 2012. We have met many wonderful people since moving here. I even have met people from back home. Like the following:

I was taking a group of people on a tour of the Grandin Printing Press where the first Book of Mormon was printed in 1830. As I was getting to know the group I found out that one of the ladies had graduated from Granite High in 1970. Here I had been talking to Barbara Farnsworth. Of course I didn't recognize her or she me.

Her husband is biking (non-motorized) across the country as she drives their truck pulling a tent camper. They started out in March 2011 from Oregon where they make their home. There is a website that has been following their progress and even has pictures.  google "Crazy Guy On A Bike" then click on journals and type in "Paul Nelson". They have pictures too. Fun!  Check it out!


11/10/11 07:14 AM #10    


Allison Blunt (Toronto)

Happy Birthday, Cathy

Hope you have a great day

and do something unexpected!

You are great!!

Allison Blunt Toronto

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