Photo Galleries

The photo gallery for the demolition of our great Granite High Campus is under construction.

Several new photos have been added concerning Reunions (let me know if anyone has pictures to add), and the GHS Open House in 2009.

Thank you - and enjoy all the pics posted here.

Catherine Ford-Barbiero


History of GHS
29 Photos  8/23/21
Campus and Parking Lot
27 Photos  9/15/11
Inside the walls
19 Photos  2/23/10
37 Photos  9/22/17
Banners, Posters, Letters and Seals
14 Photos  8/23/21
Reunion 1990 - 20th
15 Photos  9/22/17
Reunion 1995 - 25th
2 Photos  9/22/17
Reunion 2000 - 30th
8 Photos  9/22/17
Reunion 2005 - 35th
42 Photos  8/26/11
Reunion 2010 - 40th
120 Photos  8/26/11
Reunon 2015 - 45th
50 Photos  10/4/17
Reunion 2021 - 50th-51st
35 Photos  8/23/21
2009 Open House
83 Photos  9/25/17
GHS Demolition 2017
4 Photos  9/1/19
So. SL-Library - GRANITE
10 Photos  8/23/21