In Memory

Steve Russell

Steve Russell

I found a comment on dated 5/2009 where his wife had noted people were trying to reach him - and her statement was that he passed away 3-1/2 years ago at time of the post.

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09/17/13 10:00 AM #1    

Catherine Ford (Barbiero)

Received the following message from Steve Russell's daughter:

From:  Georgia

My dad Steven (Steve) G Russell, class of 1970 passed away 8 years ago. I was looking through the internet tonight and found your memo about him here on your website. I thought I would send you a link to his memorial page just in case you were able to post it with his picture. Thank you so much.

From the web address given in his daughter's E-Mail.....This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Steve Russell who was born in Utah on May 24, 1952 and passed away on September 9, 2005 at the age of 53. We will remember him forever.

I made this site as a tribute to dad, a place that I can share my thoughts when I need to feel heard, a place that will help us all find peace.  And although I havent found peace yet, I know that Im keeping his memory alive.  

So please, share a picture, a story, or just light a candle in honor of the life of our dad.


His legacy  
For my dad, With Love  

I have a happy thought.  A short, and simple thought, but a happy one.

At the game of life, my dad simply won.

That’s a strong statement to say.  But I say it without hesitation because of the obvious truth behind it.  The meaning of life in my book is very simple and straightforward, Leave the world better than where you found it.  An ultimate act of good is one that benefits everyone but yourself.  My dad was the most selfless person I have ever met.  Everything he did, it seemed, was for the benefit of someone else. 

So that’s my happy thought.  Today, we celebrate that he was a great man, and that he won at life. 

He was my inspiration, my guide, and my biggest fan.  He was loved more than anyone will ever know by me.  He was the one who encouraged me to follow my dreams, even when I felt like a complete failure, it was him who told me it was going to be alright and to never stop fighting. Dad never stopped...  Dad was like no one else...  And I am my fathers daughter. 

My dad was a jokester, and that’s something I loved about him.  He would start crap just so he could see the expression on your face.  When my first date came to the house dad said, “Did Georgia tell you we were throwing a party this weekend?”  “She graduated from band-aid’s to walnut shells and a rubber band this week!”  There was another time, that someone came over to our house in Taylorsville and said Wow, this is a really nice house and dad responded with….”Yeah, it cost a lot of money too.  We had to pay extra for them to widen all the door jams so Georgia doesn’t have to walk through sideways anymore.”  He could make fun of the most horrendous situations.

He was a jack of many trades.  He knew all.  Karate, Steel, Hunting, Fishing, and Construction of any kind.  He in fact built his own cabin from the foundation up all by himself.  Although it took him 10 hard years, he finished it just this year.

He taught me everything I know to make me who I am today.  How to drive, how to hunt, how to fight, how to love as the love mom and dad shared,……and perhaps in error – he taught me how to operate a 4-wheeler like he does.

He was head strong.  When he was 14 someone bet him 20 bucks that he couldn’t ride his bike from Parleys Summit to Defa’s Ranch - it was about a 100 mile trip – Uncle Doug & Char started getting worried about him and drove down the canyon to go look for him.  Dad’s handlebars on his bike had broke of so Doug asked him if he wanted a ride the rest of the way.  Dad said no way…Ive all ready come this far, so he put the bike back together as best as he could and rode the rest of the way steering with the front forks of the bike.  But he did it and he got his $20 bucks. 
He stood true to his convictions, he lived those beliefs each and everyday, not wavering or buckling under to pressure from the world around him.  And for this he was respected and admired for being a man of his word.

You’ll be a hard act for us to follow, Dad, as you were really our rock.   You were one of a kind, and will be truly missed by all who knew you.  I love you, I miss you and I will always be thinking of you.  You are always on my mind, forever in my heart, Eternally in my soul and loved endlessly for being who you were to me. 

So, for the remainder of my life, these words will carry me on…..My Father, who art in heaven….


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