In Memory

David Nielsen VIEW PROFILE

David Nielsen

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09/25/17 07:52 AM #1    

Catherine Ford (Barbiero)

Per Steve Creer - It was a bittersweet day today. I went to David Nielsen's wake. It was nice to visit with his family after many years. Our classmates were unable to make it except for Alan Weaver and myself. Dale is back east. Dennis' mother-in-law fell and broke her hip. She lives in Price. Brent had to work. Still, it was nice to see Alan again. He lives in southern Nevada. After our reminiscing, it was time to go. On my way home, I drove by Granite High School or should I say the ruble that is piled up there. Remember the L building had a date of 1906? That is a lot of people that went to school there over the years. Lifetime friendships made. Lots of diplomas handed out over the years. People that went on to greater challenges with Granite backing them up. Yes. Like I said, a bittersweet day.

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