Class Forums


Forum: 2010 Reunion Discussion


Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event

Created on: 01/10/10 01:53 AM Views: 2863 Replies: 12
Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Saturday, January 9, 2010 08:53 PM

 Hi class, we want to generate some discussion regarding dates | venue | event preferences if you have any, if can be in depth or as concise as: Date | Venue | Event, let us know! 

RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Sunday, January 10, 2010 12:17 AM

As for dates, I think the second weekend in June is good.  It's right at the start of summer, before a lot of vacation time, and shouldn't interfere with too many graduations or other end-of-year events (for those of us who, like me, still have no real job).

For location, could we just use the school?  I think by the time our 20-year rolls around, Olympus as we knew it won't be around anymore -- I've heard it's going to be completely redone in the next few years.

For events, I'm not too sure.  What do people usually do at reunions?  Some sort of structured activities at some point might be nice, but also leaving plenty of time for people to kick it freestyle would be good in my opinion.  What does everyone else think?

RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Sunday, January 10, 2010 03:34 PM

I think the school would be best, then we can spend more money on activities, unless catering is too expensive.  Maybe a buffet would be better.  I also think having it in the school would be fun to do a scavenger hunt, just to remember the good old days.  Each location that you find you would get a raffle ticket or something to be put in a drawing at the end of the night.  Just some thoughts!

RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Sunday, January 10, 2010 09:30 PM

I like the idea of a summer reunion, so that those who live out of state have a better chance of attending. Early June sounds good to me. I also like the idea of doing something simple (like having the reunion at the high school). I've heard that a lot of reunions have one very casual event (something at a park where kids are invited) and something a little more formal in the evening or the next day. I think a program would be fun at the more formal event.

I also think a questionnaire would be fun before the reunion to get some stats or fun facts (# of children, years of college, who has moved the most or had the most jobs, etc.) Anyway, I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks.

RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Sunday, January 10, 2010 10:26 PM

The High School would be fun, and I think Matt is right, the school will be torn down in the next 3 years or so. 

My husbands 10yr reunion was last year and they did a friday bbq at the park with families. Everyone just brought their own food, the kids ran around and we all had a great time visiting. Then they had their main reunion on Saturday. I thought this worked out perfect and both events had a great turn out. 

What about making a photo slideshow and have everyone send in two favorite photos from an event/dance/photo from high school? I'd be willing to put it together if it's something people are interested in.


RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Monday, January 11, 2010 08:42 PM

You guys have some great ideas that all sound like a lot of fun! I just wanted to point out for those that are living out of state, many school districts outside of Utah don't even end school until the 3rd week in June. At least thats what I've found on the east coast. So, as far as dates go I'm voting for the end of June. Good luck with all the planning. I don't feel like I have much to offer to this kind of thing, but if there is anything I can do, let me know. I'm totally willing.

RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Tuesday, January 12, 2010 10:44 PM

 Barbecue is always good.  That combination of one low-key event combined with something more formal sounds good.

And I like the idea of questionnaire and photo-movie too.  Great ideas!

RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Wednesday, January 13, 2010 07:39 PM

I like the idea of having a more formal event with just adults and a family friendly activity as well.  My husband had this at his and it worked out well.  There was something for everyone.

RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Friday, January 15, 2010 03:09 PM

Hello classmates,

I helped plan my husband's 10-year reunion a couple years ago and there were a couple lessons we learned the hard way:

1. About 35% of the people that RSVP will not show up (have people prepay if it's catered or you will be out of luck!).

2. People just want to chat through any sort of program (and the hours spent putting together the slide show will be for nothing).

3. It cost about $1200 to rent the school (and you can't serve alcohol on school premises).

4. It helped to set up the class as a non-profit corporation for banking and Paypal purposes.

5. You can't please everyone!

When all was said and done, however, I think people had a good time and enjoyed getting together. Good luck and thanks for all the hard work (I know it takes forever)!




RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:25 PM

 The ideas all sound great.  I would just like to add my vote for the date to be as close to the start of June as possible.  Thanks for putting this all together!

RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Tuesday, April 6, 2010 11:15 AM

 Hey Guys,

Representing for the out-of-staters here! Try to give us as much lead time to get time off work and book travel home as you can. Third week of June will be cutting it pretty close for me, so if that's what is going to be decided, it's best to send out save the dates asap.

As far as venues, I second the idea of staying away from the school for two reasons:

1) As I recall, the five year reunion was held at the school and it would be nice to switch it up.

2) The school will have restrictions on alcohol. There may be folks who prickle at the idea of alcohol, but you can always set up a cash bar, that way everyone is happy.


There are lots of great spots in and around SLC, but it will all depend on the budget you put together. Can't wait!

RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Wednesday, April 14, 2010 01:31 PM

The date August 7th will work good I think. My suggestion is NOT to have it at the High School and choose a different venue. I would suggest people prepay for the tickets/food and have an open bar for those who would like to have a cocktail.

RE: Suggestions: Dates | Venue | Event
Posted Wednesday, April 14, 2010 10:33 PM

Thanks for leaving a comment! We will not be having the reunion at the high school, but at another venue in the city which we are still trying to narrow down. As soon as we figure out the costs we will have an option where people can pre-pay online (get a discount) or at the door (for a slightly higher cost). We will also be having a cash-bar at the party for those who would like to buy drinks. Let us know if you think of anything else!