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•   Michael Bernard  3/19
•   Ian Jancoski  9/11
•   Jessica Steiner (Cherno)  12/4
•   Brian Menges  12/2
•   Khay Si (Martinez)  1/25
•   Hannah Sue Kim (McClure)  11/4
•   La Tisha Frazier (Bonds)  6/30
•   Pierre Harper  6/29
•   Robert Green (Jr)  6/28
•   Derek Nichols  6/28
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•   Jenny Greogry  9/20
•   Tamika-Marie Johnson (Crane)  9/21
•   Kathy Chan  9/28
•   Rebecca Pino (Gilmoreno)  9/29
•   Irma Corral (Contreras)  10/1
•   Linda Chun  10/4
•   Kimberly Marquez (Baird)  10/4
•   Toby Barnecut  10/5
•   Erin Dolan (Dorff)  10/7
•   Ryan Awwad  10/8
•   Cassandra Darling  10/10
•   Rachel Carlson (Swanson)  10/15


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Armed Forces Europe
1 lives in Armed Forces Pacific
140 live in California
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Hawaii
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Iowa
2 live in Michigan
1 lives in Nevada
2 live in New Jersey
2 live in New York
3 live in Washington
2 live in Germany
1 lives in Hong Kong
216 location unknown


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  • Catch up with classmates via the Classmate Profile tab (We apologize in advance if we don't have your name on the Classmate Profile tab. Please send us a note on the Contact Us tab to add you.)
  • Be sure to upload photos on your profile. 
  • Check out upcoming events
  • Wish your classmates a Happy Birthday, find out where everyone lives, view profile updates, or invite missing classmates to the site via the home page.
  • Most of all, just enjoy getting reacquainted with your classmates!