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05/09/08 06:46 PM #4    

Tiffany Overturf (Pociecha)

My husband had his reunion last year and it was fun they took pictures from the year book and showed them on a projecter. It reminded us of the fun times!

Also they did a picnic at a local park the next day for those who wanted to bring kids and show off the Family! It was potluck so no cost and it was a Cute idea and alot of people went to both!

05/11/08 11:12 PM #5    

Melissa Putnam (Brown)

I like the idea of pictures. Some now and some then would be fun. I think the website is good because we might know each other a little better after reading about each other.

A potluck lunch would be fun too...

05/13/08 04:45 PM #6    

Jennifer Fabrizio (Levorsen)

I think it would be a good idea to have name badges with our pictures on it from high school. We all change so much it might be hard to recognize people. Then also have our special someones wear our name badge as well. That way we know who they belong to.

05/19/08 10:56 AM #7    

Miranda Schafer

Pictures from back then? Yikes!!

I like the picnic lunch the next day too. I would love to show off my boys!

05/27/08 03:16 PM #8    

Katherine Jane McDougall (Mason)

I agree, that a picnic would be awesome (like at the 5 year)! Can't wait to see everyone!

06/04/08 05:40 PM #9    

Christina Johnson

I just wanted to ask if the reunion is for significant others as well!! If so is the price for one or the couple?

06/17/08 12:19 AM #10    


Lori Ashby (Green)

I found my yearbook while packing boxes to move. It was so much fun to go back a read what people wrote and look at the pictures. It will be fun to see how much everyone has changed and grown up!!

06/17/08 03:47 PM #11    

Megan Wachs (Shewell)

I agree we should do a picnic the next day so those who have children can bring their children. I think also it would make it worth while for everone to have some more time to catch up with people they haven't seen in 10 years.

06/18/08 11:50 PM #12    

Kammi Johnson (Pyles)

The reunion is for significant others as well. Ticket prices are $21 a person, so $42 a couple (if you buy them before July 1st). See you there!

06/18/08 11:51 PM #13    

Kammi Johnson (Pyles)

Thanks for the ideas and keep them coming. Hopefully we'll be able to implement some of them at the reunion.

06/29/08 12:52 AM #14    

Kammi Johnson (Pyles)

As class officers we've tried to do our best to keep costs down. But,it does all add up. If you come, for example, you'll be having a $12 per person catered dinner from Famous Daves. We can't really give that our for free. There are also other major costs, such as renting the building.
We could've just met at a park and brought sack lunches, but we thought it would be fun to have a nice evening together. We carefully calculated ticket prices to be as reasonable and fair as possible. I have multiple friends who have paid up to $40 per person for their 10 year reunions. We really didn't want to do that to everyone and we've tried our best.
Maybe by our 25 year reunion one of us will have enough $$$ to fund our event, ;) but for now we all have to chip in. Please consider it as a fun date with your significant other and come see everyone you haven't seen in 10 years! We'd love to have everyone come.

06/29/08 01:01 PM #15    

Miranda Schafer

I agree. $25/person isn't bad. I'm looking forward to a night out with my husband!! It doesn't happen often. :)

06/30/08 05:20 PM #16    

Kammi Johnson (Pyles)

We do have a few classmates that aren't able to attend the dinner. We are trying to work out a fair ticket price and way to collect some money for people coming after dinner (7:30-8:00ish). We'll post something on the site about that when we find the best solution.
Also, there are some classmates working on putting together a picnic on Saturday for classmates and their families. We'll get information about that on the site once it is organized as well.
With the next reunions, we'll try to keep in mind doing different activites with different costs attached.
Also, I didn't take your first message offensively, I understand your concern and hope I answered it okay.

07/08/08 05:28 PM #17    

Jessica Dalley (Taylor)

I've got info on reserving a park for Saturday, Aug. 2nd. We can choose from the Lone Peak Park (about 700 E. 10100 S.), Bell Canyon (about 1700 E. 11400 S.), or Bicentennial (500 E. 8680) if we have it during lunchtime. Does anyone have any preference? I'm not familiar with any of these parks so I hope someone who is will tell me which one is best. We want one with a few covered tables and a cool playground close by.

We'll just do potluck and have everyone donate $1-2 to go towards reserving the park (honestly I had no idea there was a charge for reserving a park in Sandy!). I need someone to volunteer their Sandy address for the reservation application because it's half the price for a Sandy resident (the parks and recreation lady told me to do this). Let me know ASAP about a park preference and a Sandy address volunteer.

Also, if someone wants to contact me about bringing drinks for everyone (pop, juice, or just a big water jug) that'd be great.

Please get back to me ASAP because apparently these parks are going fast!

Thanks - looking forward to seeing everyone!

07/10/08 10:55 AM #18    

Kammi Johnson (Pyles)

I am only familiar with Lone Peak Park. It is fairly new and very nice. They have an indoor pavillion that is pretty big and a smaller outside one attached to it. It is where the skate park is in Sandy.
I won't be able to come on Saturday, I have other obligations, but I hope it goes well and if you like I'll put an announcement about it on the home page. Thanks for getting this together!

07/12/08 03:40 PM #19    

Jessica Dalley (Taylor)

OK - here's the info for the potluck! Kammi, if you want to post it as an announcement that'd be great. Let me know how many people you think might show up.

It'll be at Lone Peak Park (in the north outdoor pavilion) from about 10:30-1 on Sat. Aug. 2nd. The park is at 10140 S. 700 E. It'll be strictly potluck (unless someone wants to volunteer to bring a grill). I'll provide paper goods (plates, forks, cups, etc.) and if people will bring salads, desserts, drinks, fruit, etc., etc. we should have plenty to munch on. Hope to see you all there (and your cute kiddies, pets, significant others, etc.)!!

07/28/08 11:28 AM #20    

Kammi Johnson (Pyles)

Does anyone have a friend or family member who is into photography? We need someone who would be willing to take a few photos for our website and also take group and couple photos at the reunion.

07/29/08 01:18 PM #21    

Ryan Burkhardt

Has there been a decision about ticket prices for those unable to attend the dinner?

07/29/08 11:48 PM #22    

Kammi Johnson (Pyles)

If you can't come for dinner tickets will be $10 after 8:00.

12/19/13 06:44 PM #23    


Alexis Church

So obviously we're not having a 15 yr. reunion, I'll be ready for our 20th. =)


01/08/18 01:52 AM #24    


Shilo Swenson (Cleveland)

Would like to know when the 20 year reunion is. Miss all my high school friends.

02/28/19 10:15 AM #25    


Byron West

I look forward to seeing as many of you that can make it to the reunion in May. This will be fun to see each other.  Thank you to those that have and are working hard to make this possible. The date and costs are set so please be positive and not bash what has been done. Either you plan to come and have fun or not and miss out. Hope to see lots of you there, my tickets are purchased.


02/28/19 03:12 PM #26    


Lori Ashby (Green)

Have fun!! I have mom obligations with my daughters spring dance performance. 

03/03/19 01:19 AM #27    

Charles Faust

I won't be able to attend the 20 year reunion, but I would like to thank the planning committee for their efforts. I can't imagine it was an easy task, and indeed, some gratitude should be shown. I hope you all have a good time, especially the few who might remember me. All the best!


03/03/19 08:42 AM #28    

Stacey Storie (Hopstad)

I remember you Chuck. I’m sad to miss the 21st reunion too. I’m coaching a team in a soccer tournament that weekend. I hope to get down there this summer and can catch up with some of you the.  

Have fun everyone! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. 😜

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