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Gloria Garcia Bodie

Gloria Garcia
Residing In: Granada Hills, CA USA
Marital Status: Married
Children: Grandchildren: Great Grandchildren: Children: 4 (38, 34, 25, 23)
Grandchildren: None of my own, but have Godchildren that are More…loved as much.
What have you been up to?

Living each day with purpose, which keeps me super busy! Aside from working with crazy pilots and aviation related insurance coverage, I volunteer at my church as a Catechist, Bereavement Minister, and other ministries. But the most important part of my life continues to be my husband and kids and the many wonderful family trips, Dodger games, Yosemite trips, cross country trips and all those times that create many joyful memories and many more to come. No empty nest syndrome allowed at the Bodie's.

Who or what inspires you most these days?

Love = Jesus, that is where I get my inspiration every morning when I wake. Of course, my husband is a close second!

Any words of wisdom, messages or wishes you want to share?

"Just Do the next Right Thing."

Bonus Questions: If you feel safe enough to share: No one found out about......

no secrets, sorry to disappoint.