Tompkins By-Laws


1. An ACTIVE member is classified as one who pays dues and meets at least one of the 
    following criteria:
            Participates in class activities
            Attend at least seven (7) or more meetings
     Out-of-town classmates are considered active when they:
            Pay dues
            Send monetary donations to assist with any 2 class activities
            (Dues and monetary donations should be sent to a financial officer)
2. A None-Active class member is anyone who does not attempt to do any of the above.
3. Birthday cards will be given or sent to all classmates who we have birthdates for.
4. For weddings or graduation of an ACTIVE classmate’s child, a donation will be taken up    and given to the child if an invitation is sent to the class or a $25 donation from the class treasury (whichever is agreed upon). This is not to include grandchildren.
5. For weddings of an ACTIVE classmate, a $50 donation with a card will be given upon receiving an invitation. The same applies for the graduation of an ACTIVE classmate.
6. Anyone assigned or who volunteers to perform a task is required to contact the presiding officer (i.e. President, 1st or 2nd Vice President) with an update on the status of the assignment.
            A. If a person is unable to perform or complete the task within the allotted time,                   they are required to contact one of the above-mentioned officers, in a timely  
                manner, to either receive assistance or to get the task reassigned.
            B. Adequate time will be allowed to make these adjustments. Classmates
                should not wait until the last minute.
            C. The classmate who is an officer and will not be attending a meeting, (but
                 has a report or the minutes of the last meeting) should make sure that
                 the paperwork is given to someone who will be at the meeting.
            D. If a classmate has any suggestions for the class, it must be presented in
                person or in writing, otherwise, the class does not have to accept nor act on it.
7. Upon election, officers will serve for a period of two (2) years, not to exceed four
    (4) years at a time, unless the body unanimously agrees on it.
8. Meetings will be held every 4th Saturday at 4:00 p.m. at the Bull Street Library,
    unless otherwise noted.
9. A classmate (Active or non-active) who is in the hospital will receive a card.
          A. An Active classmate who is in the hospital will also receive a flower        
             ($25-$40) or a cash donation.
          B. For immediate family members who are hospitalized, the class will send a card
              once the class is made aware.  (Active or non-active classmate)
10. The family of deceased classmates, Active or non-active, will receive a framed resolution and those who can, will attend the services with class medallions on.
            A. The family of deceased Active classmates will also receive
                flowers ($50-$80). (The cost of flowers for Out-of-town classmates may 
             B. Classmates may prepare a covered dish dinner on a voluntary basis to
                 take to the home. 
11. In the event of the death of an immediate family member (spouse, parent, child or siblings or grandparents) of an Active or non-active classmate, the class will send a card.
            A. Active classmates will also receive flowers ($35-$60). (The cost of flowers for
                out-of-town classmates may vary.)
            B. For extended family members, in-laws (mother, father, sister and 
                brother), a card will be sent.
            C. Classmates will make a concerted effort to meet with the family and may 
                prepare a covered dish dinner on a voluntary basis for immediate and
                extended family members of an Active classmate.
12. The class dues are $10 per month and will be evaluated every two (2) years.  Dues will need to be paid by December 31st.  PLEASE NOTE:  Class dues are separate from taxation.
            A. A portion of the class dues and money from fundraisers is used to offset
                expenses for class activities (such as Annual Family & Friends Day,
                Annual Christmas Party, Class Reunions, etc.)
            B. A portion of the dues (up to $500) will be allotted for the “Sunshine Fund"
                which is to be used for flowers, benevolence, cards, weddings and
                graduation gifts. 
            C. The “Sunshine Fund” Representative will be given $100 at a time for the
                above usage.  Upon Representative presenting receipts, the fund will be
                brought back up to $100.
13.  These By-Laws have been voted upon and accepted this 26th day of September, 2009.  Any amendments deemed necessary will be voted upon within a year's time.  10 or more active classmates deemed majority.
Accepted: September 26, 2009
