In Memory

Dennis Mesnick

Dennis Mesnick




Yesterday we lost my husband, a father, grandfather, last patriarch of his generation, Dennis Mesnick. Most of you know his story, he was a warrior and a Superman, beating two cancers and a transplant outlived all statistics. He never gave up, living life to the fullest. He continued to do the things he loved travel, concerts theater sports and family events.

Below is a tribute that his niece, Carly wrote about how he touched her life.

There are few people I throw the word “warrior” out when I describe them. You know who you are. But this man wasn’t just a warrior, he was my uncle, my dad’s brother, the last Mesnick glue that somehow pieced together this family. When I went out to San Diego yearly to visit my family and friends, I relished every word, every story he told about my dad who I lost at age 11. He was so resilient and in the face of adversity I often asked him how did he become that way. He pointed me to a Jewish psychiatrist I now talk about in my trauma trainings, Victor Frankl. Frankl specialized in studies of depression and suicide, developing Logotherapy, a type of psychotherapy that based on the premise that the primary motivational force of an individual is to find a meaning in life- and you can do so through examining your suffering. That’s exactly my Uncle D- he found so much meaning in the suffering he endured in his life. So much meaning he passed on to those he loved so dearly. Today, we lost Uncle D. I’m heartbroken, so sad and suffering along with many of his loved ones in our state of mourning. If there is anything Uncle D would want more than ever, it is that we find meaning in our suffering and hold one another close through this time and always. Thank you, Uncle D for your unconditional love, guidance, support, for keeping the Mesnick faith alive, and for being our favorite Warrior.


Dennis L. Mesnick passed away peacefully Feb. 15, 2023, in San Diego, Calif., at 72.

He was born in Cleveland to Maxwell and Anne (nee Auerbach) Mesnick. Dennis attended The Ohio State University, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree, and Case Western University, receiving his Master of Arts degree in social work. From very early on, Dennis had a gift of establishing long-lasting relationships and had maintained many friendships from his days at Moreland Elementary School, Woodbury as well as Shaker Heights High School, class of 1968.

He was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, uncle and the patriarch of the Mesnick family. He was an eight-year warrior/Superman, defeating all odds. We believed he was immortal, beating every health challenge he faced and those battles were relentless. Dennis was so resilient in the face of adversity, he was often asked how he became that way. He quoted Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust concentration camp survivor (author of “Man’s Search for Meaning”), whose own triumph over adversity inspired Dennis. Frankl encouraged identifying a purpose in life by examining your suffering, and then immersively imagining that outcome. That’s exactly what Dennis had done. He never ever gave up (NEGU) continuing to live life to the fullest, participating in all the things he loved – travel, music, concerts, theater, sports and family gatherings.

Dennis had a long and successful career working as director and fundraising for many Jewish and health organizations. Dennis made the most of his retirement from volunteering to property management and more.

We remember Dennis warmly for the twinkle in his eye, infectious smile and especially the many entertaining stories he shared. He touched many lives with kindness, friendship and a special appreciation for life. He had a generous and caring heart. Dennis was the gracious host opening his home for family and friends making sure everyone was taken care of, comfortable and needed for nothing.

Dennis is survived by “Sweets” Sue West, his loving wife of almost 20 years; his sons, Sean, Jason (Molly) and Larry (Margot); and six grand grandchildren, Jackson, Bailey, Ty, Riley, Ava and Hunter; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents, two brothers, Larry and Ronald, and sister, Marlene Colon. He is sorely missed by everyone who enjoyed him.

Donations in Dennis’ memory can be made to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (



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02/17/23 02:10 PM #2    

David Persky

Dennis and I reconnected a few years ago when I was working on a book project dealing with the journey taken by cancer patients. I knew of his cancer battles and I hoped he would contribute to the project as his cancer journey was much more challenging than mine. We had several wonderful conversations and caught up with each other after not seeing each other since we graduated from Woodbury. He was a wonderful friend, and had many keen insights to share with me, and I always treasured the time that we shared even though we were thousands of miles apart. I shall miss him, and I extend my sincere condolences to Sue and the rest of his family.

02/17/23 02:29 PM #3    

James S. Crisp

My Shaker days seem so long ago. I was at Woodbury with Dennis and then SHHS. We were not close friends, but I remember him so well. I was extremely shy in those days, when we were all so young and so "successfully disguised to ourselves as children." Dennis is someone I remember clearly and keenly. He was handsome, kind, and thoughtful - he seemed old for his young years. He had the respect of his peers and the admiration of many. I regret I was unable to attend any of the reunions, as I feel Dennis and I would have connected in a meanigful way, judging from the interests and passions mentioned in his obituary. 

My deepest condolences to his wife, Sue, and his family. The tribute from his niece, Carly, is beautiful and very moving. 

Jim Crisp

02/17/23 04:40 PM #4    

Milan Tiff

I'll never forget Mesnick. At Woodbury there was a creek that ran through the campus. Folk lord had it no one was ever able to jump across it. You had to walk across the bridge. Dennis Mesnick was the first. 

02/17/23 05:26 PM #5    

Mab Emsheimer (O'Connor)

Posting one last comment... Dennis went to Woodbury and I went to Byron.. We met a a mutal friends party way back and ended up going Steady :) .. My parents shipped me off each summer to a camp in Maine and that year I did not mind as I had his ID and he wrote me lots of letters making me less homesick.. He was such a great guy. We had alot of good times together. , It was so nice to reconnect on Facebook . I have such wonderful memories...

02/17/23 06:09 PM #6    

Faith Perlberg (Miller)

I am so sorry to hear about his passing. He was a determined and strong person

02/17/23 09:00 PM #7    

Sharon Herman (Shafran)

I was saddened and surprised about the passing of Dennis. He has been a trooper through his recent illness struggles and I know his family always meant the most to him. He was a great friend in high school and always enjoyed our Shaker reunions. He will be missed by his friends and family in California and his friends from Shaker. RIP Dennis and my regards to his beautiful, loving wife and family.♥️

Sharon Herman Shafran


02/18/23 12:21 PM #8    

Donald Berg

Every time I see a high school "In Memory" email come in, I wince.  Too many classmates are leaving us.  Dennis was great to hang out with throughout Woodbury and Senior High.  Funny and fun to be with ... so very sad. 

02/18/23 12:34 PM #9    

Douglas W. Scher

I didn't know Dennis other than passing in the hallway, but I feel I've met him now from the gracious in memory comments posted by fellow Shakerites whose lives he touched. And the insightful tribute from his niece. Never too late right? 

02/20/23 11:44 AM #10    

Barbara L. Beran

Every time I hear of another classmate's death, the news takes another piece of my heart. In Dennis' case - especially as one of the "Moreland gang"-the loss hits hard. He was always sweet, kind and caring, both as a kid and a man -always with a positive attitude and, as so many have already said, an inspiration to all who knew him. Sincerest condolences to his wife and family and the many friends who will miss him.

03/03/23 08:23 AM #11    

Stevi Stephanie Baskin (Baskin)

I go back to elementry school with Dennis at Moreland and then transfered to Lomond.I always remember what a kind person he was.I did not have alot of contact with him after that and I remember being touched by his kindness and  as all of us these passings bring tears  to me.This is the tough time of our lives,losing family and friends.My deepest condolences to  the family  and friends of this GREAT guy DENNIS, rest in peace.


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