In Memory


Bill Anderson

Lynn Arnold

Charles Bales

Duane Bauer

Larry Bill

Barry Blakeley

Earl Blessing

Prudy Boan

Mike Bozarth

Brenda Brock

David Bryan

Gary Buchanan

Doug Burt

James Carl

John Christiansen

Linda Coles

Pam Combs

Sharon Cooksey

Leroy Cummings

Bill Cupp

Dave Curry

David Cutler

Phillip Cutting

Cathy Doyle

Rebecca Ellstrom

Larry Engel

Mike Enlow

Roger Ford

Bill Gaarder

Greg Garrett

Pam Glayzer

Sandee Glenn

Don Goethal

Lorene Graves

Chris Gustafson

Vickie Hallahan

Bob Harmon

Kay Harris

Judy Harscher

John Hassenplug

Steve Hinsley

Tom Hitchcock

Norma Hogan

Jim Humphrey

Kay Jarman

Bev Jenkins

Bob Johnson

Vic Keeney

Charlie King

Jerry Kirkendoll

Cheryl Laird

Chris Lawrenson

Vicki MacLean

Steve Manarchy

Susan Marquette

Roger MdDonald

Beverly McGill

James McNally

John Meyerholtz

Mickey Michel

Marlaine Mitchell

Bill Montgomery

Jack Morrison

Bill Murphy

Wayne Nelson

Gary Osborne 

Bruce Pelsor

Dave Petzold

Jan Poole

Diane Price

Mac Provost

Bob Pusey

Don Reynolds

J.D. Richmond

Steve Rippee

Larry Royer

Phil Runyan

Connie Savage

David Smith

Judy Stout

Linda Streeter

Larry Tolman

Willis Toomes

Phil Torno

Michael Volbracht

Sandy Ward

Ernie Webb

Pat Weddle

Jim C. Wilson

Mary Winkler

Rick Wisor

Joan Wombolt

Larry Wollard

Lewis Wright

Gary Yantis

Mike Yelton

Donna Young

If you are aware of a Classmate who should be added to this page please let us know.
