NEW Message Forum


Forum: General Discussion [STICKY]



Created on: 03/31/09 04:13 PM Views: 2126 Replies: 1
General Discussion
Posted Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:13 AM

We now have a new & improved message forum. This forum will allow many new features, such as: Formatting options.

Or, you can can post a link.

Or a picture:

Let me know if you have any trouble with the new forum. I've created a few discussion topics just to get us started.


Edited 05/11/09 12:25 PM
RE: General Discussion
Posted Sunday, May 10, 2009 04:43 PM

Please remember Laith Adams ('89) and family in your prayers. His wife, Andrea Isaac ('91) died Sunday morning after battling cancer. Funeral arrangements are still pending, but will be available here.

Also, Laurette Lankford's father passed away last week, I know she'd appreciate your prayers as well. My apologies for not posting this sooner. You may sign the guestbook and read the obituary for Mr. Lankford here.


Edited 05/11/09 12:21 PM
