Kristi Laumbach Haan

Profile Updated: March 7, 2009
Kristi Laumbach
Residing In: Osceola, WI USA
Spouse/Partner: Mike Haan
Occupation: Real Estate Tax Specialist, Washington County MN
Children: Lindze, born 1994
Trista, born 2000
Jason, born 2002
Yes! Attending Reunion
Where else have you lived?

Northfield MN

What's your favorite vacation?

northern MN

What's your dream vacation?


Do you still have family around Sheridan, WY?


How often do you get back to Sheridan, WY?


Would you ever move back to Sheridan, WY?


Are you interested in going to the 20th class reunion for SHS?

I think I want to, but I'll have to see when the time gets closer.