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06/14/08 09:11 PM #1    

Tremaile Prelow

i would like to do that also.

06/19/08 01:59 PM #2    

Erica Hart

I don't no if you guys remember Joshua Wells but he's on our class photo right in front of Ryan Stweart. But a couple of year ago I was talking to him in Wal-Mart and he didn't no who I was. This is because he had been in a bad accident and he don't remember anything before the accident. Only every thing after. He has a diffrent name and he said maybe I did no you, before.

06/20/08 01:56 PM #3    

Jackie Remedies

It's good to hear from all my classmates. It's good to know that you all are in good health.Erica is the only one that I see from time to time. It will be good to see all my classmates again. God has been very good to the whole class of 99 because we all made it this far.I don't even remember the majority of our classmates. It will be great to see you all again. May God bless you and keep you all.

06/23/08 09:13 PM #4    

Lynette Stanley (Williams)

Hey everybody click the "Do You Remember" tab it's a survey and see what you can get right! Also we do need everybodys address and phone number so if you do not want it to be shown to everyone please email it to me or Savita thank you.

06/26/08 06:40 PM #5    

Ebony Stills

I think that it is a great idea to take a picture again. That would be so crazy because we have all changed. I'm very excited about the reunion and cannot wait to see all of you. I'm glad alot of people are posting responses. Like everyone else it's hard to remember alot of people, but of course if you had a click in high school you remember them first, and yes everyone had their click. I miss those times so much. It will all come back once we see each other again!!!!!

06/30/08 01:43 PM #6    

Jackie Remedies

The picture is a great idea. Then ten years from now we can look back and remember how we are still changing. We are getting older but more and more wiser.Are we gonna have class reunion T-shirts.

06/30/08 09:03 PM #7    

Lynette Stanley (Williams)

Yes we are trying to get all of the details together as well as the items we will have.

07/05/08 06:37 PM #8    

Brandon Waterman

Whats up folks!

Yeah every time i come to Shreveport i end up running into a few people for our class. I just want to say.. yall getting OLD! I'm just getting wiser. HA! As i look through these pictures I'm amazed how many people i forgot about since graduation. Come to think of it the only people from out class i see all the time is jason greene and Jerald brown, & koko, when I'm in S'port. Theo lives around the corner from me here in baton rouge and lorenzo cooper lives about 20mins away. Anyhow glad you guys/girls are doing great!! Hit me up.

08/16/08 11:06 PM #9    

Ebony Collins


Just thought I would stop by and say hello to everyone I dont get a chance to see. I hope everyone does show up. To everyone who is 25 and up, sorry you are gettin old because I didnt im still 17 (LOL) I know I wish i was.

09/04/08 01:35 PM #10    

Luchous Richardson

Whats up people I still keep in contact with Theo and Brandon. I really dont come home that much though. I ran into Shantrice a couple years back at Kokopellis. By me staying in Dallas I dont see anyone I know up here unless I just so happen to see them at GSU game. If any of yall coming up to Dallas for the game get at me for we can hook up or something. I really dont think I got older but if we having a 10 year reunion I guess I am but If you ask me I am 25 thats it.

10/30/08 10:48 PM #11    

Danny Davis

Sigh-Saabone buckaroohs- It is so good to hear from you guys. Can't wait to see the whole gang again.

03/07/09 08:48 PM #12    

LaShanda May

Hello fellows knights,ladies of camelot and members of PYT!!. I am so waiting for our reuinon and cant wait to se how everybody has changed cause lord knows I have. Ive looked over some of the profiles and and seen everyones kids and they are just beautiful. If there are some things needed for the reuinon like pom-poms, posters, etc. please let me know because my mother was so nice to pack all that stuff up for me when I moved out. LOL

03/14/09 11:48 PM #13    

Jerald Brown

What up class of the "99" to me everybody looks the same some of you look better. lol I really would love to take a picture, i mess with youger kids all the time and tell them your 21 im 28 I look 21 you look 31. Cant wait to see you guys always have kept you guys im my prayers an my heart. My mom teases me all the time because she graduated in 68 and they have mettings every month a dance every year for Christmas. She said can you keep up with them for 31 years. I told her that if any class can be like that its ours cant wait to see you so we can laugh and catch up.

04/10/09 09:00 AM #14    

Demario Calhoun

Good to hear from everyone, Can't wait til see you all in person at the reunion. May God Bless each and everyone of us until we should meet again!!

04/10/09 11:10 AM #15    

Demario Calhoun

Maybe we can do church on August the 9th if everyone agrees, We got to acknowledge Christ who have gotten us thus far to take us through the next 10+years.As you all can see some of our classmates did not make it through the first 10.

04/29/09 01:48 PM #16    

Danny Davis


05/18/09 07:42 PM #17    

Daphne Mitchell

Danny, I like the idea of having a service with just the class of '99; that will allow those who come in from out of town to visit their home churches if they like, too.

06/03/09 09:21 AM #18    

Layla King

Taking our picture again sounds great, but I would like to view the profile picture in a larger view so we can see everyone and maybe put some faces with some names. PLEASE!

06/27/09 11:02 PM #19    

Ralisa Carter

hey all knights i finally had time to get on the website i think i just about remeber everybody after all i was the candy lady so i remember people. i think all the ideas are great i would loved to be informed of anything we need or if anyone needs help with anything

10/18/09 11:01 AM #20    

LaShanda Richardson (Dowell)

Please clarify the postponed date for reunion meeting? It was pouring down on Fri.,Oct 9th. I would like to be there on the new date.

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