In Memory

Walter Rothschild

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02/12/17 12:30 PM #1    

Adam Myers

I got to know Walter when my family moved to East Indian Springs before I entered 6th grade at Montgomery Knolls. I remained friends with Walter throughout school until he died in 1989. After HS, he went to Lamar Tech in Beaumont Texas for a year, and remained in Texas for a few years after that. Eventually, he came back to the area and finished college at U of Md, after which he entered a graduate program in library science. Walter died after a protracted battle with cancer (I don't remember if he was still in grad school). I'll always remember Walter as one of my closest friends... he was intelligent, funny and creative, and although our worlds were very different, we were close friends for life.

02/13/17 12:10 PM #2    

Jan Jablonsky

Walter was funny, kind of quirky, and basically a really nice guy. I knew him well in junior high, not so well in high school.  I wish we had stayed in touch.  There's a song by the Kink's titled, "Do You Remember Walter," for the last fifty years, every time I hear it, I think of Walter. 

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