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Younker Davidson and T. S. Martin Department Stores

Created on: 09/19/10 10:30 PM Views: 75 Replies: 4
Younker Davidson and T. S. Martin Department Stores
Posted Sunday, September 19, 2010 05:30 PM

I was having a discussion via email with Linda Pruehs Pratt about these two stores.  We were having a back and forth about our favorite memories of these institutions of commerce.  Can anyone remember the name of the restaurant at Younkers?   How about Martins?  Do you have any stories that you would like to share about shopping there?  Let us know your favorites! 

RE: Younker Davidson and T. S. Martin Department Stores
Posted Sunday, September 19, 2010 05:52 PM

My sister ( Cheryl ) and I had our grandmother working in the cosmetics dept. Her name was Bonnie and was there along time. She had regular customers that would call and she knew what the needed and would have it ready for them. She knew Henry Metz ( owner  of Old Home Bakery )he always called for special orders. It was always fun to see her and I remember the wood floors everywhere. I really like the coffee shop and they had the best egg salad sand. It was always fun to go shopping there.

 Bob B class of 60

RE: Younker Davidson and T. S. Martin Department Stores
Posted Sunday, September 19, 2010 06:19 PM

I believe the at younkers it was the "Red Rooster".


Don Burns

Edited 09/22/10 07:46 PM
RE: Younker Davidson and T. S. Martin Department Stores
Posted Sunday, September 19, 2010 07:19 PM

Dixie and I think it was called the RED ROOSTER.

Jerry Walker

RE: Younker Davidson and T. S. Martin Department Stores
Posted Tuesday, October 5, 2010 09:20 PM

When I was about 10 years old, I went to Younkers with my mom and aunt. While we were there, my mom gave me a  piece of butterscotch candy. As I was sucking on it, I got it stuck in my throat. I was having a hard time breathing and choking so mom, my aunt and the help at the restaurant were trying different things to help me out. After a while it melted enough to come loose in my throat. I was in a panic for several minutes and as of today I haven't had one since. That day has always been with me and now when I think about the old stores and times, I get upset at the thought of choking to death on butterscotch candy.

Jerry Walker

