Reunion Attendence Survey

Its time to try and get a inital head count on those planning to be in attendence for the reunion.  PLEASE  respond to this survey to give us an idea of how to proceed with planning. 
 Each individual event (Friday night social, Saturday tours, Golf, Saturday night dinner/banquet etc ) of the reunion will be listed separately later on this site to determine attendace for each event.  
For this survey please indicate, at this time, if you are planning to come, may come, can't come, don't know or whatever.  Also indicate you will be in attendace with a spouse/guest.  

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   I plan to attend the 50th reunion -

  Don't know
2)   Number attending -


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