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•   Christine Dashnaw (Gaworecki)  9/8
•   Vanessa Perry (Morin)  7/22
•   Jaylene Noonan (Leonbruno)  12/21
•   Heather Ladd (Logan)  12/14
•   Jennifer Parker  12/14
•   Shane Irwin  2/3
•   Bryan Garceau  12/19
•   Theodore Monsour  12/30
•   Christine Printy (Coody)  8/7
•   Michael Arpey  7/22
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in California
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
1 lives in Florida
2 live in Massachusetts
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Jersey
35 live in New York
4 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Samoa (American)
2 live in South Carolina
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in China
132 location unknown
1 is deceased


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South Glens Falls Senior High School
Class Of 1992
Welcome to the South Glens Falls SHS Class Of 1992 web site.

Add any additional home page content here...

Is anyone currently working on making any plans for our 20 year reunion? Is anyone interested in working on making plans for our 20 year reunion? I know we have a lot of classmates who live out of state so the sooner we can get some plans in place the sooner they could make travel arrangements. Just let me know. Thanks.

Congratulations to Suzanne (Ely) Murphy and her husband Kelly on the birth of their twins, Cora and Crosby. Cora and Crosby are blessed to have two big brothers, Rory and Ky.

This site has been up and running for a year now. We are excited to see that 51 of our classmates have registered and created their profile. Of course we would love to see that number grow even more. If you are in touch with someone from our class who is not aware of this website, please give them the link and encourage them to register and create their profile. If you've already created your profile, please feel free to update. We'd love to see recent pics and hear what's new with you. Thanks.
