Contact Us

First Time Here? Need A Password?:  Click the Classmate Profiles page link on the left side of this page, and then find your name on the next page. Click on your name and follow the instructions to create your login. If you can not find your name, please fill out the form below to have your name added. Married ladies, please include your maiden name. 

  • This site is completely free to all of our alumniYou will never be asked to pay to make a profile or to access other alumni profiles.
  • Your only requirement to participate is to provide all of your contact information. Please enter your complete home mailing address including zip code and your telephone number. [...even if you are outside of the U.S.] If in the U.S.A. you will receive a FREE annual copy of Tiger News the next time it is mailed.


Having trouble logging on/or Forgot Your Password?: First, try to click on 'Log In Help' and follow the 3 steps. If that doesn't work please TEXT Bruce at 888-652-2364 for assistance.  

Email notifications from this website:  For those of you with spam blocking or email filtering capabilities with your email accounts, please add to your email account as a safe sender in order to receive email communication from this website. Add it just like you'd add any friend to your contact list. You won't be able to email to that email address, it just allows you to receive all communications and messages from your classmates.


Contact Us: Your site administrators are Stefanie and Bruce. All requests are emailed directly to us. If you have any questions about the site, please send a 'Contact Us' message. If you fill out the form below one of us will reply just as soon as we can. Thank you!


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* Your Name
* Your Email
* Subject

* Message