50th Reunion






Al Labelle

Jack Harrald

Joan Berthiaume Mulligan

Judy Hmielowski Zaido

Imelda Curboy Lundstrom

Linda Dubreuil Regis

Maureen McCarthy

Judy Page Harrald

Bruce Robertson

Mike Veshia

Claudette St. Cyr Carr





jharrald@mac.com (Judy)
jrharrald@gmail.com (Jack)







Jack Harrald, President
Joan Berthiaume, Vice-President

Judy Hmielowski, Secretary

Ronald R. Cournoyer, Treasurer



April 6, 2010


Dear Classmate,


Plans for our 50-year Reunion Weekend, June 11-13, 2010 are being finalized.  The committee is working hard to put together a set of activities that will make this a once in a lifetime celebration!

The primary objective of the reunion is to renew old friendships---so contact classmates you hope to see and encourage them to come. 

We hope spouses, par tners and guests of classmates will join us in the celebration.  All guests will receive a certificate making them honorary classmates for the weekend. 

To make it easier to personally communicate with each other and to obtain the latest reunion information, we have established a web site at www.classcreator.com/Southbridge-MA-Mary-E-Wells-1960.  You can ask for a password to set up your profile.  You will then be able to contact other classmates directly.

The schedule of planned activities is listed on the attached page.  All activities are informal, although men are encouraged to wear a sport coat to the Saturday evening dinner at Cohasse. 

Don’t miss the celebration!  Send your check for $75/person to:      John Harrald—Mary E. Wells Class of 1960, 10545 Miracle House Circle, Claiborne, MD 21624.  

Please mail checks prior to May 11, 2010. (Cohasse needs a count by that date.) 

Make your room reservations at the Southbridge Hotel and Conference Center by calling (508) 765-8200.  Call before May 11th and ask for Wells HS Class of 1960 rate.

To join the committee, see Contact Info in the left column. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate this milestone with your classmates, renew friendships, and remember that very special time in our lives.

The early response (see attached) has been fantastic!  See you in June!



                       Schedule of 50th Reunion Events June 11-13, 2010

Friday evening, June 11 from 6-8 p.m. will be a Meet and Greet at the Hotel. Vintage Automobiles from the Central Mass Wanderers will be on exhibit.

Saturday morning at 10 a.m. will be a tour of Wells High School, now the Middle School.  Principal Jason DeFalco will be the guide. A box lunch in the Hotel Courtyard will follow.

Saturday Afternoon plans are currently being formulated.  Under consideration are a video presentation of the unbeaten 1959 football team, a presentation on the history of Southbridge, and golf.

Saturday evening will be a sit down meal at Cohasse on the Green, with a Social Hour at 6-7 p.m. At 6:30 p.m, Village Photo will take a group picture of all the returning members present. The meal will commence at 7 p.m.

Sunday morning, the Reunion Weekend will conclude with a Brunch at the Hotel  

Checks received as of 4/1/2010:


Joan Berthiaume Mulligan

Theresa Boudreau Beauregard

Richard Brown

Dorothy Damian Cochrane

Richard Domijan

Linda Dubeuil Regis

Johanna Dumas Leighton

Jana Foss Samuels

Andrew Hall

John Harrald

Judy Hmielowski Zaido

Margaret Hughes Lombardi

Dennis Julian

Al Labelle

Maureen McCarthy

Margaret Misch Harakaly

Judy Page Harrald

Anna Piccione

Mary Margeret Rischitelli Weaver

Bruce Robertson

Peter Robidoux

Claudette St. Cyr Carr

Arthur Tieri

Sylvia Trembly Baker

Michael Veshia

Russell Willett

Margaret Wolenski Bender