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06/17/08 04:13 PM #20    

Joe Farmer

Just got back last week to the land of the "dry heat" and wanted to thank all of those who put in long hours and lots of work on the reunion. Even better than the last one I attended (15 years). This was the first time I saw some of you since 1983 and I enjoyed geting re-acquainted. It was worth the 1,800 mile drive. Tammy, great job and idea with the trivia....I really had to test the memory bank. I really enjoyed the evening and I hope to see more of you at the next one....Lord knows there was more of me at this reunion. Thanks, and God Bless

06/29/08 11:38 PM #21    

Bret Pallotta

Sorry I couldn't make it to the reunion! Sounds like it was a blast. Tammy, thanks for the great website...stumbled across it by accident! God bless all!!
-Bret Pallotta

07/02/08 09:03 PM #22    

Rechel Carroll (McManus)

Just wanted to thank Tammy too for the great website. It's so nice to catch up with everyone.

-Rechel Carroll (McManus)

09/02/08 10:13 AM #23    

Robin Williams (Dodson)

I loved the reunion you guys did a great job! This website is wonderful. I enjoy reading the responses of others and finding people that I have not heard from in years and learning about their families. Also got my dvd and my family enjoyed it. Robin Williams (Dodson)

09/26/08 07:58 PM #24    

Louann Lowery (Green)

Hello Class of 1983!!! Just recently I joined the Facebook page...not use to all this new technology, but, it is alot of fun...So far, some of our classmates that we have lost contact with, have contacted me on there. Please, if you get the chance, check this website out. Be sure to put the NASHVILLE Network as your choice,(this will put you in our area and you can look at all the people in our area that have registered.) You can reply to them and chat with them. It is very nice seeing our classmate's pictures and hearing from them. Also, I have been giving this website to them so they can register on here and keep in touch...Take care, class of '83, and keep in touch....

Jerry Louann Lowery Green

10/01/08 11:26 AM #25    

Donna West (Winningham)

WOW !!! What an absolutely FANTASTIC website! Tammy Wilhite, thank you so very much for all of your time and hard work on making this happen. What a great way to stay connected with everyone. I'm so sorry I missed the 25th anniversary but I have enjoyed seeing all the pictures. I lost all of my photos from the 20 year reunion when my computer crashed and it made me sick! So, thank you for this website. It is SO GOOD to see you all and your families! Thank you, Louann for passing the info to me about this website. You're the best! Also, I have a Facebook account if anyone has one - it's with the "Nashville Network" as Donna Winningham. I miss you guys and I hope that everyone is well & happy! God bless you all, my friends!!! Donna :)

10/01/08 11:37 AM #26    

Donna West (Winningham)

By the way, if anyone has any pictures that they would like to share from "back in our days" I would LOVE to have them. I remember there being group class photos but I have nothing from my younger years. I am a picture freak and growing up my family life was not really very settled so I don't have any from Cassville, Doyle, Junior High, High School, etc. THANK YOU & KEEP IN TOUCH! Donna :)

10/02/08 01:50 AM #27    

Tammy Wilhite

Guys, I added a new box on the home page. It shows who has a birthday coming up. Okay, I know we don't like to keep up with birthdays anymore, but I hope it is a feature you will enjoy. I am looking to add some more things as time goes on. Maybe after football season is over and before basketball starts I can do some work on it.

10/30/08 04:55 PM #28    

Lisa Cope (Halstead)

Hey ya'll!!!!! We did it!!!! The wedding was so special and there are plenty of pictures, We'll put some of them on our profiles soon. Thanks Louann for being there for us, we love you!!!!

11/08/08 08:56 PM #29    

Louann Lowery (Green)

HI!!! I know that I am really enjoying this website. Thank you Tammy and everyone who has worked so hard in making this a wonderful website.

Also, just wanted to brag a bit...My son, Dustin Green, spoke at the White County High School Happening tonight...thought this was so neat that he spoke where I had attended school...anyway, I am a proud parent!!!

11/13/08 12:39 PM #30    

Anna Howard (Randolph)


Thank you so much for this site. It is wonderful and I have enjoyed looking back and catching up with some of our classmates. I never really got to know you in school but I see you whenever I go to a sporting event and say, "There is Tammy" and everyone says ask who and then I say Pistole. Most people don't connect for a minute. Anyway thanks once again for a great job. Maybe I will make it to the 30 year reunion,because it sounds like a good time was had by all that attendted.

12/05/08 01:28 PM #31    

Lisa Cope (Halstead)

Hey everyone!!!! I just want to wish you all a wonderful holiday season this year!!!!! I have been blessed with one of the best years of my life and I hope all of you were too and will be in the years to come!!!!! Love you all.....Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!!!

12/10/08 01:55 AM #32    

Howie Acuff

Can somebody tell me how I got a spam email inside this site (Nigerian inheritance scam, or else my opportunity to make $20,000,000 for handling a few phone calls)?


12/12/08 07:31 PM #33    

Louann Lowery (Green)

Hello!!! Just wanted to ask if anyone in our class went to East Sparta City School around 1970 and 1971, and their teacher was Mrs. Bilbrey...I am looking for a class picture(group picture). My family had a house fire in 1979,and most of all of my school pictures were ruined in the fire. I have been trying for years to get copies of these pictures...I will pay for the copies. Please give me a call: 235-5622, and let me know. Also, anyone with the 5th and 6th grade pictures, I cannot remember my home room teachers...think they were, Mrs. Bradley, 5th, and Mrs. Carr, 6th. Thank you class mates....

Jerry Louann Lowery Green

01/03/09 01:48 PM #34    

Alona Smith

I didn't even know about the reunion. How do you get informed about upcoming reunions. Actually I haven't been to any because I never knew when they were : (

01/07/09 07:41 AM #35    

Tammy Wilhite

Hopefully, I took care of the spam problem by making people request a password before creating a profile. Trying to stop that. I hate spam (both kinds). Alona, Actually I think yours is one of the addresses we have been trying to find. If you keep your address updated on here, it should be no problem. Plus we will be posting reunion info on here when the times gets closer.

01/08/09 06:08 PM #36    

Alona Smith

thanks...yeah, I know, I've been out of touch for a long time but I hope to make it to the 30th (30th, can you believe that?)

01/12/09 08:10 AM #37    

Leslie Denton (Pack)


Yes, I still have some of the elememtary class pictures! I was in Mrs. Bradley's class in one of them. I will find them and let you know!

01/15/09 03:39 PM #38    

Jeff Womack


I really like the music player and the songs from 82-83 that you posted. Those are cool songs and remind me of different places in Sparta. Here's a few I would like to suggest to add. Hope it's not too many.


Michael Mcdonald - I Keep Forgettin'
Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
Police - Don't Stand So Close To Me
America - You Can Do Magic
Eddie Money - Think I'm In Love
Foreigner - Waiting For A Girl Like You
Daryl Hall and John Oates - One On One
Daryl Hall and John Oates - I Can't Go For That
Asia - Don't Cry
Def Leppard - Photograph
Toto - I Won't Hold You Back
Styx - Don't Let It End
Journey - Don't Stop Believin'
Journey - Separate Ways
After The Fire - Der Kommissar
John Lennon - Starting Over

01/16/09 12:25 AM #39    

Trip Mallard

The #1 song in May 1983 was "Wishing (If I Had A Photograph Of You)" by Flock Of Seagulls.

01/29/09 06:44 AM #40    

Tammy Wilhite

Classmates, one of our fellow Class of 1983 members, Tonia Steward Holman, was just recently diagnosed with cancer. It is a very aggressive form of pancreatic cancer. The initial prognosis has not been a favorable one. However, the power of prayer can do miracles. Please remember Tonia in your prayers.

03/02/09 02:17 PM #41    

Tammy Wilhite

If anyone would like to donate to a fund that is set up to help Tonia Stewart Holman, you can send a check to myself or Lisa Robinson. Just make the check out to the Class of 83 and make sure you note it is for Tonia. Sabra Milligan Wilhite started the effort originally from the group that started school together at BonDeCroft and now it includes our entire graduating class. Our class continues to show me how great we are as numerous people have shown how much they care.

07/22/09 06:35 PM #42    

Alona Smith

How do I order a video? I would like one. Oh...and hello everyone : )

09/09/09 10:15 AM #43    

Lisa Crumbly (Watts)

Even though I didn't officially "graduate" with all of you,I was there until the spring of our Senior year. It is nice to see how everyone is doing. I was closest with Carolyn Simmons (Winchester) and our little group of friends. She is the only one that I have kept in touch with over the years. Does anyone know what happened to Gina Swafford? I would love to contact her. I have had a few emails with Donna West. She was always so sweet. Anyway, this is a great website and I have really enjoyed walking down "memory lane".

09/12/09 01:40 PM #44    

Carolyn Simmons (Winchester)

Hey everybody, hope all is well with you and yours. I wasn't able to make it to the last reunion either. I hated to miss it after all the fun we had at our 20th, what a blast that was. Donna (West) Winningham and I took so many pictures.  Although then she plastered all the bad ones of me on I'm not very photogenic! Lisa Crumbly boy didn't we have some good times in that orange camaro you had. I forgot which car it was we packet like 11 people in it one morning before school...:) either that little blue car or the yellow Granada...Good Times!!!

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