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•   Monica A. Rainwater (Pilgrim Nelson)  8/5
•   Jill Sellars (Morris)  9/27
•   Kim Transiskus (Taylor)  11/20
•   Hollis Holcombe  11/19
•   Sara V. Claggett (Ferguson)  11/18
•   Julie A. Phillips (Patterson)  11/17
•   Kerry Summey (Easler)  10/1
•   Regina L Arnold (Crane)  9/25
•   Paul J. Gregory  9/21
•   Amanda Bulman  8/12
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alabama
2 live in Arkansas
1 lives in California
1 lives in Colorado
6 live in Florida
13 live in Georgia
1 lives in Kentucky
2 live in Louisiana
2 live in Massachusetts
1 lives in New York
11 live in North Carolina
2 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
131 live in South Carolina
4 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Ireland
360 location unknown
8 are deceased


•   Byron Cohen  9/19
•   Jill Sellars (Morris)  9/21
•   Bradley T. Costello  9/23
•   Matt Fulmer  9/27
•   Kimball T. Glenn  9/27
•   Angela L. Wills (Hamilton)  9/27
•   Wayne Clayton  9/28
•   Lanise Nelson (Shortell)  9/28
•   Cynthia S. Larson (Connell)  10/1
•   Rachel D. Roberts (Justice)  10/3
•   Allison L. Caton (Mathis)  10/6
•   Johnny F. Lowe  10/8
•   Stephanie D. King  10/12
•   Reginald A. (Byrd) (Muhammad)  10/18


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Welcome Class of 1989! 

Happy 2009, DHS 1989 Classmates!

In honor of twenty years' water under the proverbial bridge, we thought we would post our welcome message on a website, rather than spray paint it on the side of the school as we did in 1989.  Sand blasting is very expensive these days...

It is good to reconnect with old friends and acquaintances.  Part of our history is shared in our years at Dorman High School.  Those old walls, that once were, still hold a small piece of each of our lives, when four years seemed an eternity.  We were kids of the Reagan years, when Communism was a vague threat, the Berlin wall came down, pegged jeans and sprayed-stiff hair were gender-neutrally-cool, Rainman was a box office hit, gas was $0.97 a gallon, Microsoft Office was first released, and we all sheepishly left messages on the latest technology—the answering machine.  Today, we have constant information streams, careers, spouses, kids, mortgages and wrinkles to contend with...on a good day, in a difficult economy.  It’s true:  we are officially old enough to have first-hand knowledge of most everything retro, and old-school, yet young enough to not consider OURSELVES retro, or old-school.

So in the spirit of hoping all things improve with time, we invite you to join us this fall at our 20 year class reunion.  Let's laugh at what was and celebrate what is. It is our hope that as many classmates as possible would be able to attend our reunion.  Help us by spreading the word.


Your Reunion Committee