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•   Theresa Miller (Garcia)  10/17
•   Nanci Merrill  3/18
•   Gordon Leek  6/3
•   Adam Brown  2/23
•   Mai Le Tran (Mai Nguyen)  8/18
•   Tiffany Sharrett  1/8
•   Kristina Martin (Sanborn)  1/13
•   Victor Myers  10/5
•   James Eucker, Jr.  10/5
•   Tatia Homan (Warden)  8/10
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 6.1%

A:   21   Joined
B:   323   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to the Joel E Ferris High Class Of 1988 web site. This site replaces the MyEvent site - as this provided a less expensive means by which to run our group!

Instead of $16 and change - this site will allow us to do exactly what we were doing on for $7 LESS a month.  For $9.00 we can do everything that was available on the other site.  Part of the reason the other site was more expensive was (is) that it is an international site and when you made a donation, it went to Canada, and when we needed to pay the bill, they took a small fee from each of your donations leaving your administrators out a few bucks each month!  So this will help get rid of all that mumbo jumbo!

So let's give it a shot and start **thinking** about 2013!


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