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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 72.5%

A:   50   Joined
B:   19   Not Joined
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Both Rod Murch and Larry Baldwin recommend this with Larry saying, " Well worth your time, folks. A few minutes away from politics, wars, budgets, inflation, prices, borders, etc., etc."

Tom Chase's reaction:


In the May 2, 2023 issue of the Springfield Reporter.

First time visitors from the Class of '57 click here.



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A fun quiz. Can you get them all?

I was just reminded by Tom Chase of the existence of this article. It's about the Rise and Fall of Springfield.

Truly the end of an era. Historic tie to Springfield’s affluent past to be demolished. Thanks to Tom Chase for the heads up.

I've just provided links to Springfield High School yearbooks for the years 1950 through 1990 on the class of '58 site. You can go to that page by clicking here. All but three of them are posted on the website and may require a free membership to access.

For a version that can be enlarged click on the thumbnail below:

For those who are out of town a real time idea of what the weather is like in the Springfield area can be seen via this Dartmouth webcam.

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