First Time Visitors

Welcome to the Samuels Patten Reunion Site! Thanks for coming by! If this is your first visit, please read this page to see how to get started. It will answer all of your questions on how to get your name added to our database, get a password, create a profile and how to use the website.  Soon you will create your profile on your own web page and personalize it by adding pictures, You Tube Videos, and Playlists. So discover how to do it all right on this page, and share your page with your family, and friends.

You can also find answers via our (FAQ) link. Frequently Asked Questions <Click Here>.

This website is maintained by your administrators (Jacques/Gary/Shirdene). It is completely free to our family and friends at this time. However, you may be asked to donate a nominal fee in the future to help cover overhead costs such as hosting and domain fees.

In order to continue receiving e-mail from us via this website (for example, reunion notices), please whitelist the email address and

NOTE: "Whitelist" is the general term for allowing an email to come through from a specific email address every time, regardless of the content contained within the email. Whitelist is also sometimes referred to as a "Safe List" or an "Approved Senders List." If you and your relatives/friends whitelist &, messages that may not ordinarily get through will now be received and read every time.


 If you have not already done so, you will need to create your individual Profile in order to access any password protected pages on this site. Start by clicking on the "Missing Family Members" link. This will take you to a page with all Family members with inactive profiles; including yours (if your name is NOT on the "Missing Family Members" page, you can create your profile by following these steps; Select Family Profiles > scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Don’t see your name above? Click here to join”> Follow the setup instructions.

You can also use the Contact Us link (located at top right of the page) to notify our admin team if you need assistance. Please include your name, current phone number and active email.

Once you locate your name, click on it, then select the JOIN HERE link. Follow the prompts to create your Profile. The password that you enter during this process will be used as your login password. You can personalize your page with information such as; positive family memories, your family updates, and photos. You don't have to finish it all at once. Come back whenever you want to add to or update your information, or add more photos. 
(To print this page just hold down the CONTROL key and click the letter key "p" and the print box will appear or right click on your mouse then press print from the "drop down" list

Tricks and Tips
How to upload a photo:

  1. Be sure you are logged in on the home page. In the links on the left side under MEMBER FUNCTIONS, click on the link: Edit/Upload Photos.
  2. The Photo page will appear and you’ll see a gray box titled: Upload New photo. Click on this box and you will be at the Add Photo page.
  3. The Add Photo page gives basic instructions for uploading your photos. There are 3 places on this page to make entries.
  4. Sort: The sort number controls the order in which photos display on your page. By default your pictures will appear in the order you entered them, so this isn’t important for your first picture. But later if you want picture #5 to appear as #1, you will have to change the sort numbers on your pictures. If you delete a picture, the sort numbers for the remaining pictures do not change (e.g., if you delete picture #2 out of 4 pictures, you will show pictures #1, 3, and 4.)
    Caption: Caption is the description you write for your picture.
    Browse: This is the most important one, for this is how you find the picture on your computer and get it to appear on your page.
  5. Your first picture will automatically be Sort Number 1.
  6. Now click the Browse button. A list of folders on your computer will show up. Locate the folder that holds your picture. For most classmates this will be the My Pictures folder located in the My Documents folder. When you have clicked through to your picture file, click the view button at the top to show icons as pictures. This makes it easier to find the specific picture you want to upload.
  7. Select the picture you want to upload by clicking on it once, and then click Open at the bottom of the box.
  8. Now you will be taken back to the Add Photo page and in the Upload Photo box you will see the path to your picture.
  9. Enter the Caption for your picture in the box.
  10. Click the SAVE CHANGES button.

Now go to your Profile page and look for your picture and caption.

Shortcut for multiple pictures: If you are uploading several pictures that are in different folders, you can copy them to your desktop, and then delete them later. Make sure you COPY, not move, your pictures, so you won’t delete the original.

If you are still having problems, please contact us.


FORUMS are intended for reconnecting with family and friends, sharing memories and stories, as well as current interests. Please avoid topics with political and or offensive messages.