Nekisha Lewis

Profile Updated: May 10, 2012
Residing In St Paul's Antigua and Barbuda
Occupation Administrative Assistant
Children None (yet) :)

After leaving OCS I went where much of us did - ASC. After ASC graduation it was straight into the world of work. After a 6 month stint at the Nelson's Dockyard with Julienne Mannix (smiles) I took up the Administration job at Andrew Goodenough Architect in February 2005. 7+ years later I am still there!

I studied with RDI (UK) through their distance learning programme and completed my 2 year degree (Higher National Diploma) in Business & Management. Haven't continued anything book-wise since!

And thats about it for me really. Not married, no kids. Just doing Nikki for hopefully not too much longer! :)

School Story

Best memory from OCS: "Dear Sexy, if you don't love me let me down gently." If you remember that line coming out of Mrs Baptiste's mouth then you're good!

Months of quart pat in the classrooms (officially corrupted by Chalita Rose) - classic.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:27 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:27 AM
