In Memory

Jerome Badurski

Jerome Badurski

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05/13/12 01:20 PM #1    

Peter Inebnit (Inova)

We highschooled at a time when the major page turning in society was the beginning of the end of racism, so general concerns like sexual preference were nearly invisible. It was only sometime after that I learned that Jerry was gay. I remember a girl in class commenting about how she found his demeanor so "interesting" as she half-lidded her eyes and adopted a stepped-back expression.

To me, Jerry was just Jerry. Kinda cool, kinda aloof, but a friend who was fun and a loose member of our informal star cluster.

I don't know the details of his death, other than August 8, 1986, but he is remembered in the National AIDS Memorial Grove in San Francisco's Golden State Park, and is buried in Waynesville, North Carolina.

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