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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 29.8%

A:   81   Joined
B:   191   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Dale Callaway (Callaway)  1/20
•   Keely Hunter (Allen)  8/20
•   Brad Stephens  11/27
•   Tammy O'Dell (Oqal)  6/22
•   Don Neal  3/29
•   Diane Taylor (Bryant)  1/31
•   Karen Edwards  1/13
•   Peky-Pinky Smith (Dodd)  1/3
•   Jeff Smith  8/14
•   Craig Wooten  8/2
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alabama
3 live in California
1 lives in Florida
64 live in Georgia
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in North Carolina
4 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Virginia
191 location unknown


•   Tammy Ramey  9/20
•   Sherri Burton (Whitlock)  9/21
•   Donna Toney (Cole)  9/22
•   Sonya Johnson (Woods)  10/3
•   Joey Mitchell  10/5
•   Patti Hankins (Jarrett)  10/16


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Chattooga High Class Of 1987 web site.


 This website was created to promote, celebrate and reconnect all the classmates of the Chattooga High School Class of 1987. Your participation is essential for this website to be a success.

 We have added some NEW pictures from the 80's....thanks for the people who posted these on Facebook! I will try to find more soon and add them as well! If you will email me any pictures you think might be cool to add, that would be GREAT!


           REUNION WEEKEND - Please post any and all ideas in the forums/discussion boards. Any idea is a good idea. We also have a discussion board on the social networking website "Facebook." 



Check out the "Chattooga Chatter" link for a real time chat program.  If more than one classmate is online at the same time - we can now chat.  Simple instructions are inside the link.  Let me know if you like this program or not.  We are always on the lookout for improvements!!

  • If the slide show (currently under construction) doesn't bring back a few memories, then just turn up your speakers and hopefully the music will.
  • Favorite Eighties Songs  - Let us know what songs you want added to the player and we will do our best to add them asap!
  • Chattooga Chat - a place where we can chat live .  So, if you see another classmate logged in when you are logged in - head on over to Chattooga Chatter and chat for a while. Also, committees can meet in the chat rooms to plan things for the reunion on certain nights or days.
  • Baby Pictures - I thought this would be fun and the winner will be revealed at the reunion.  Just email me one of your baby pictures to and  I will post them for everyone to see!!  Each picture will be numbered.  Then, just send me your guess on who it is.  You know you will get at least one right since you should recognize your own picture!! 
  • Then and Now - I am working on another page for then (The 80's ) and now (2009) photos.  Just send me a current photo.  I will put that photo next to your yearbook photo!!  If you don't have a yearbook photo - email me that one, too!!
  • Missing Classmates - Please check out the names under this link.  If you have any information on any of our missing classmates, even if they didn't graduate with us, please let me know.  

                   Feeling anxious about how the past 20+ years may have changed your looks?
 First, recognize that you're not alone!  Most of us have changed in similar ways.  Oh, sure, there'll be a few exceptions... but don't let that be what keeps you away from your reunion!  You will be missed...  someone will show up with the express  hope of seeing you, and so... NO EXCUSES!!!

           If you are NOT coming to the reunion, you better have a darn good excuse and a note from your Mom! The following reasons have been tried and are UNacceptable:

Excuse #1: I've gained a lot of weight!...
Rebuttal:  Look around!!  I doubt any of us could get back into our jeans from high school any more.   If we're not heavier, then we are either bald(ing) or have grey hair, wrinkles, sagging jowls or saddlebags -- or any combination of these.  And shall we discuss reading glasses?  Let's face it: we're all 20+ years older!

Excuse #2:  I'm a different person than I was in high school...
Rebuttal: Lucky for you, we ALL are.  We could only have improved.

Excuse #3: I'm not successful. I'm not (choose one or more) a lawyer, a doctor or rich...
Rebuttal: You'll be pleasantly surprised to find how much everyone has matured.  We may be plump and wrinkled (see Excuse #1, above) but we're not stupid.  Money is not success.

Excuse #4: I was not in a popular clique in school...
Rebuttal: Now that we're older and smarter, those cliques have dissolved just like the superficialities they were based
on. The only cliques you'll notice at the reunion will be the sound of your joints as you walk around.

 ALL alumni and friends of this class are invited to join our website! Guest memberships are available and encouraged!

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 Please help get this site started by trying to locate class members. Email addresses, physical addresses, or any information will be a great help. Several classmates are working on planning a class reunion. This site can be used to assist, but its purpose is to promote, celebrate, and reconnect the classmates of the Chattooga High School Class of 1987.  The forums are a good place to start posting your thoughts.

We need the names of veterans to add to our "Veterans" page. Please email the person's name and branch of service to so we can honor our men and women who have served or are serving our great country. Thank you!

The site administrator email is Please email any pictures, ideas or other correspondence to this address. Thank you.

I hope everyone is having a great Fall so far! I would like to say I'm excited to see how many of us have found our way to this site.  When Joe Money (class president 87) and a few others and myself were initially bouncing around a reunion idea a few months back, we thought it would be nice to have kids (now grown-ups) that we went to school with through jr. high or high school that perhaps did not actually graduate with us, but were slated to do so. Some of us got jobs or married or moved away that last year and we don't (well I don't) want to leave them out. So....

if you have any pictures you'd like posted (from our glory days lol) please email them to me and I can upload them to the Old 80s Pictures page. Also, you can upload your own personal pics to your own personal page on this site.

Okay well thats all I can think of for now. Take care and I hope to see all of you at our big reunion in 2012.


Charlene Stephens Koonce
