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01/13/11 02:26 PM #1    

Nataraja Upadhya

 NITK Community Digital Photo Contest 2010-11   

A “RANGKARENG ’85 “ initiative

Sponsored by NITK Alumni Association, & coordinated by KREC Batch 1985 Alumni


                        Event Update:


As the current students of NITK were in vacation for most part of the December, most of them were unable to participate in the Digital Photo Contest.  Therefore, we are postponing the deadline for the submissions to Feb 28, 2011.  We like all the participants to get ample time for clicking new photographs per the themes indicated. Please continue to send as many entries as possible per the rules of the contest.


                                    Please visit for the Contest Brochure.

Please visit for the Contest Rules and Guidelines

Please visit for the Contest Entry Form



Thank you for your cooperation.


Nataraja Upadhya

Event Coordinator


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