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11/22/08 02:29 PM #1    

Greg Wood

Welcome to the B B Comer High School Class Of 1979 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

11/24/08 02:19 PM #2    

Julia Sanders (Bassett)


12/04/08 09:44 AM #3    

Greg Wood

Thanks Mark, I look forwarded to catching up its been a long time. Help for now is reaching out and telling our other classmates about the reunion and the web site and encourge them to do the same. Take care look forward to talking with you soon.

12/18/08 04:04 AM #4    

Eddie Chandler

Hi Greg Thank's for the hard work creating this web site. I know our class was a large one but 80 people is a lot too be missing. I'm sure some don't want be found for lot of reason's. But some might with a little encourgment. Many of these people are still in this area . Deloris (Finn) maiden name works as an ICU nurse at Sylacauga Hospital and lives in the Fayetville area.Shena (Bently) maiden? work's at the Sylacauga,Walmart.Janet (Collins)I saw at Walmart tonight she's the one that informed about the web site and future reunion. Mark Deason the time I talked to him he was preaching at Estell Church it was'nt that long ago he might still be there. This is all I know of for now. If hear of any more I will let you know.YOUR CLASS MATE OF 1979 Marshall Eddie Chandler

01/13/09 12:14 AM #5    

James Hughes

Don Hopkins is the manager of Chick Filet in Inverness and Darryl Dunn is at Dunn's Auto in Sylacauga. Greg McGhee rents a house from me behind the school. Jim Hughes

02/11/09 05:59 PM #6    

Denise Meherg (Minor)

Greg.... how wonderful that you have taken the time to set up a website for the old Class of '79! Having been in Atlanta since '79 I am so out of touch and was glad to hear from Julie. Can't wait to hear more about the reunion. 30 years is a hell of a long time! Was sorry to hear that some of our classmates won't be there. Take care and thanks again!!

05/02/09 09:55 PM #7    

Julia Sanders (Bassett)

Thursday night a few of us got together at the Marble City Grill. It was a great time. Mark Dale talked about stuff from Mr Walker and Mr Yates to stuff we would die if our kids knew. I am excited about the up coming reunion and all the memories from everyone. Please don't forget to get dues in Thank! Julie

05/05/09 08:28 PM #8    

Greg Wood

It was great to see everyone that came to Marble City Grill the other night. Between listening and sharing stories, I do not think we talked much about the details of the reunion. The votes have been tallied and the date for the reunion will be July 25. Now comes the time for the details. More information will be provided in the days to come. Please continue to reach out to the classmates that have not joined and let them know about the reunion.

05/14/09 11:06 AM #9    

Julia Sanders (Bassett)

Just another reminder about dues and donations for scholarship, we are short of time so please get them to me.
I want to do a book of memories for Mark Bentley's children. Please write a short thought or memory about him and bring it to the reunion. Already got a couple, and they are great..this will mean alot to those babies!

05/28/09 03:27 PM #10    

Julia Sanders (Bassett)

Tried to send all an email, ran out of time. I need your pledges for the scholarship, I had to put in quite a bit to make up difference. This is not much so please get em in. thanks!

07/26/09 02:01 PM #11    

Julia Sanders (Bassett)

Last night was GREAT. The reunion went well and we all had a good time. I appreciate all the work Greg has put into it. I am so glad the Mark Dale is still the same!

07/26/09 03:06 PM #12    

Lisa Bentley (Johnson)

I thought the reunion turned out great! Thanks to Greg for the wonderful website, and thanks to Julie for all the work she did. It was great to see so many that I have not seen in such a long time, and I hope Jenny will still agree that we can meet in two years at her place. That would be alot of fun too! Julie wants to meet in two years because most everyone will be 50!!!!!!!!! As far as the most changed person there, I did not see it. I thought everyone looked the same. It was awesome. The only one I can say that I did not know was Mr. Walker. He was the most changed to me.
I am so glad that we did it, and maybe the next time, all the ones who said they were coming last night will show up then.

07/27/09 03:54 PM #13    

Rhonda Rogers (Schabel)

Hey everyone! I had a great time at the reunion; I hate that more people didn't show up but maybe next time after reading all of our responses they will be there. I would like for anyone who would to e-mail me just to keep in touch. Thanks to Greg and Julie for all their hard work in making this a special time. Love you all!

07/27/09 04:14 PM #14    

Rita Cost (Deason)

I just wanted to say I had a really great time. It's hard to believe it has been 30 years. I hope everybody that did not come this time can come to the next one. Thanks Greg and Julie for making this happen. It was so good seeing eveybody. Next time my truck will be older so I want have to park it at the police station!!!! I had to explain that one to my sister cause I knew she would wonder why my truck was there.!!!
Hope to see ya'll soon.

07/29/09 04:25 PM #15    

James Hughes

Thanks to Greg, Julie and everyone else that had a hand in the reunion. It was great and anyone that missed it should really try to make the next one.I can,t believe the great food for just $7.50 a plate. It was great to see everyone. Jim Hughes

07/29/09 04:25 PM #16    

Melody Robinson (Kemp)

It was so wonderful to get to see everyone.
A big thank you to Greg & Julie for organizing this 30 year reunion.

Melody Robinson Kemp

08/08/09 11:38 PM #17    

Barbara Barth (Murchison)

Hey guys, I had a great time at the reunion. It was so wonderful to get back in touch with so many I had not seen in many, many years. I hope we will have many more classmates come to the next gathering. Thanks to Greg and Julie for pulling it together.

01/17/11 12:37 PM #18    

Julia Sanders (Bassett)

Friday night January 14th the 1978 Tiger Basketball Team was honored at the Varsity Basketbll game.  Rodney Fisher and Tom Haslam were both there from our class.  Great to see them both!  The number 44 jersey was retired in honor of Donnie Speer.

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