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•   Celestina Bilaoen (Bautista)  9/21
•   Restituto Laranang  4/23
•   Gaudelia Lodia (Oreiro)  4/13
•   Crisostomo Buenavista  4/12
•   Apolonio L. Villanueva III  3/14
•   Alfredo Corpuz  3/13
•   Lolita Jaramilla (Hassan)  3/12
•   Jose Paredes  3/7
•   Margarita Z. Lardizabal  3/4
•   Santiago Licudine  2/14
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


•   Crisostomo Buenavista  9/25
•   Gaudelia Lodia (Oreiro)  9/27
•   Ma Angelita Pagaduan (Aquino)  10/7


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 15.0%

A:   12   Joined
B:   68   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

November 8, 2009

It has been a long while since I have noticed any of our members browse these pages of our Class 1958 website. Though there may be many reasons why this phenomenon of avoidance is happening, may I humor your fancy by volunteering a couple of reasons:

  1. Since most of you are retired, you may have been traveling to distant and far away places and therefore have been absent from the local scene and away from your desktop computer.
  2. Also you may have been very busy taking care of your grandkids, the many guests, visitors, and family members who may be paying you a visit.

At any rate I can only hope that you will come by, browse and read this new posting so that we can all be coordinated in thought and in action.

As we prepare to celebrate the SAS centennial in 2010, now is the time to begin saving money for the planned expenses to cover the planned activities. Send your personal share of the "pot" to our Class Treasurer, Delia M. Batac. I believe that we agreed on an amount such as $200 for the Golden Jubilee reunion we held in 2008. We should stick to that figure. We also need to put our heads together to come to an agreement of whether to have our own class souvenir programme (if you like). Of course you are free to join the bigger AA group and include your ad space there. Personally, I believe that our SAS Class of 1958 should have its own souvenir programme so that we don't wind up as only a mere page in the bigger programme being promoted.

I am sure that you all received the letter from our classmate and friend Polon explaining the fate and the final disposition of the "gift" or monetary donation that our class gave to Sister Connie Gacutan. That has left an indelible mark in my heart and in my brain and I have absolutely concluded that I, personally will not be giving any more donations or gifts to SAS.

Please acknowledge that you have read this posting by sending the class an email note, discussing the points presented herein and stating whether you agree or disagree with any point raised.

Thank you and God bless you.


All of us from SAS Class 1958 are looking for these friends pictured here on the cover of BEST FRIENDS magazine, July edition to come and join our online community. (Top L-R) Lauro Bunoan, Luz Ringor, Nenafe Espejo and Lilia Kiguchi. (Bottom L-R) Elpidio Lubina, Sister Cres Lucero, Conching Lamorena, Sister Josephine Ong, ICM and Fred Lasmarias. If you know of these classmates please invite them personally to join by typing their email address in the MISSING STUDENT pop up, or clicking on the CLASSMATE PROFILE and finding your name. You must create your own USER ID and PASSWORD in order to access the full features of this community website. Thanks.

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Our Family&Friends Magazine features Cetong Batac, Santiago Licudine, and Fred Lasmarias on their cover for 2008. Photo taken during the Golden Jubilee celebration of SAS Class 1958 in Tagudin, Ilocos Sur, Philippines. How about that!

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Guess who we found? Rose and Jose Paredes touring Washington, DC. This photo was taken while they were visiting the White House. Don't they look so cool? Have you taken some time to send them a welcome note to the online community yet? If you haven't done it yet - please do.

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Here we have three good friends from SAS Class 1958 - (L-R) Heli Pagaduan Aquino, Delia Martinez Batac in the middle and Lolita Jaramilla Hassan gracing our Best Friends Magazine July issue. Heli owns a several businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area while Lolita works and lives with her husband Sam Hassan in Porter Ranch, California. Delia and her hubby Cetong live in San Diego, California.

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at


Welcome to the St. Augustine's School Class of 1958 web site. We give thanks and praises to God for having given us the opportunity and privilege to come together and to celebrate our 50th year anniversary since our high school graduation.

If you would like to have the music keep on playing even if and when you leave this page, click on the middle block: POP-OUT PLAYER



The Golden Jubilee reunion was a huge success.

Thanks to all our classmates who made it to the Golden Anniversary reunion held December 28 through 31, 2008 in Tagudin.

Now it is time to move on beyond 2008 and begin thinking about the years coming up ahead. Now is the time to make memories. Now is the time to get together and reminisce about those golden years in school. Come, won't you join us?

Art Museum

Modern Art Museum by (Above photo courtesy of Apolonio Villanueva III) Three students from the younger generation gaze at the Boy's Department graduating class photo

Modern Art Museum

Modern Art Museum by (Above photo courtesy of Delia Martinez Batac). Two freshmen students look at the Girl's Department graduating class photo as posted in the St. Augustine's Convent museum.


The Letter that Polon Wrote to Sister Consuelo Gacutan of SAS

February 16, 2009

Dear Sister Connie,

        With grateful hearts, we would like to express our appreciation and gratitude for the warm welcome and the beautiful homecoming program you prepared for us last December 30, 2008. We enjoyed it immensely. It was indeed a joyful, memorable celebration that will always be remembered as long as we live.

        Sister, on behalf of Class of 1958, we are happy to present to you the sum of $5850.00 ** and P1020.00 as our one time 2008 Golden Jubilarians gift to our beloved alma mater, St. Augustine's School.

        After carefully discussing among ourselves during the Homecoming/Reunion, the merits and impact that we think, will give us a lasting remembrance to our milestone, and at the same time give the most beneficial effect to the immediate needs of the sisters, we would like that our gift be used specifically towards the repair/restoration of any tangible portion of the current over-all renovation plan of the Sisters' convent preferably the Sisters' Chapel.
                         The former Sisters' Chapel that we used to know when 
                         we were students - we could not express enough its
                         contemplative effect on us alumni when we come visit
                         the convent. However, it is now non-existent and converted
                        into quarters with two comfort rooms built-in.

          Please let us know as soon as possible when and how this project develops. For us Class '58, our lasting golden jubilee remembrance is very important, and we are hopeful that this monetary gift would materialize into something tangible to memorialize it with a plaque that we will pesent in 2010 Centennial Grand Reunion.  Thank you sister.  God bless you, the ICM Congregation and St.Agustine's School.


The Class 1958 Golden Jubilarians

By: The Class '58 Core Team:  Apolonio L. Villanueva III, Niceto Batac, Delia Batac, Marge Lardizabal, Tom Buenavista, Lolita Jaramilla Hassan, Fred Lasmarias, Gloria Cardenas, Delia Lodia, Edith Agas and Sr. Josephine Ong.
       ** $700.00 Piggyback donation of Ms. Fe Villanueva Benedicto Class '57 included.
           With current peso conversion at P47.00/dollar, this should amount close to

(L-R):  Polon Villanueva III, Sister Consuelo Gacutan, Gloria Cardenas Anagaran, and Delia Lodia Oreiro during the turn-over of donated funds to our Alma Mater, St. Augustine's School.

(L-R):  Now that all the funds have been counted, Polon can finally sit down and have this photo taken. (Photos courtesy of Polon)

An Open Letter from Delia and Cetong (Monday, February 2, 2009)

Dear Classmates,

It's time to follow-up our homecoming Golden Jubilee Re-Union by having a local Re-union. This affords us to meet most of you, our classmates who didn't make it to our homecoming golden jubilee back home in PI.  So what do you think?  Let's keep the ball rolling and continue on the reunion tradition that we have started. The members of the Core Team are eagerly and patiently waiting for all of us to participate and join in.  Let's allow ourselves to make up for some lost times of togetherness in our lives. We could still add more life in ourselves while we are still able. Ania ngay met iti cunayo. I spoke with Cely (Bilaoen) Bautista yesterday and also to Edith and according to both of them they will go along with whatever we could come up with. Let's not drag our feet. Why won't we go for a mini cruise in the Carribean or Bahamas? Please give us your suggestions.

Toy si-uuray iti sungbatyo,

Delia & Cetong


Goals and Objectives - For our Community and the Annual Reunions we hold

These are just some thoughts that come to mind about goals and objectives that may be very appropriate for our SAS Class 1958 as we come together as a community of SAS Alumni.

1. To strengthen ties between us classmates, friends, and family members while enjoying each other's company.

2. To bond together and come closer as one community, bound by a common purpose and a common background.

3. To put our heads and hearts together to discuss, determine, and decide how best to support our Alma Mater, St. Augustine's School.

4. To learn from each other those things that have worked in our experiences, to share such wealth of information and to support each other through good times and not so good times.

5. To exemplify to the world at large and to others the excellent and well-rounded education we received from attending St. Augustine's School by the way we live our lives and by the way we relate to others.

Please write in your thoughts about these goals and analyze each of them relative to relevance, achievability, and measurement.

Golden Jubilarians Souvenir Programme

Dear Gang,

It is here finally! 250 copies bundled in tens, fully paid.  It is indeed beautiful - a gem beyond belief. The fruit of our labor is here at last. Now, the distribution starts. Let me know how many will be given to your families here.

Classmate Polon


Time to be thinking about a local SAS Class 1958 reunion for 2009. Take the poll that is on this page or on the other pages. We need your ideas for the date and venue.


Thread started: Tuesday, 11:08 PM EST

I would seriously consider Porter Ranch. Not that I love bonding with Sam, (excuse me Lolit), but those few places mentioned by Lolit are all new to me and Emilie - and it would be very nice to visit.

But anyhow, Lolit's recommendation to Toronto SASAA is very ideal indeed. Let us psyche ourselves with it and start planning the class contribution in the program. I'll mention this to Seny Maala Lopez. How about the " Estolas/Quilop Skit"?


Please do not be alarmed by the presence and inclusion of a PAY PAL donate box. As you know, we need to pay the Service Provider (Class Creator) a monthly subscription fee in order to keep our website active, current and FREE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. I hope that you have noticed how clean the pages are without the competing advertisements from other entities. This is one of the main reasons why we are paying a fee. I have taken care of the initial down payment, the opening month's subscription and other fees for the registration, domain name, etc. In the future, should you be moved to help out in some way, please don't hesitate to do so. Pay Pal will accept everything - VISA, MC, DISCOVER, AMEX. Pay Pal does not keep a record of your account numbers. Once you submit the money, they deposit it and that is it. They will never record your personal account numbers. In conclusion, every little bit of your help counts and assists us in keeping this website operational. Your generosity is always appreciated and goes a long way.
