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09/02/09 10:39 AM #1    

Duane Bullard

Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

09/02/09 03:02 PM #2    

Duane Bullard

Welcome to the Message Forum This Board provides a place for general comments. Simply click on the 'Post Response' button below and enter your comment. This doesn't cost anything so please try it. Please enter a comment on your first visit so I'll know you have found it. This is asynchronous, meaning when you make a post usually you'll need to check back from time to time. You may find others online and get immediate feedback. You may include links to other sites such as MySpace, Facebook, PicasaWeb, YouTube, etc. most of these will provide the html code you need to include. You simply copy and paste that into your message and the computer will do the rest. Here is a link to photos of our trip to Canada this summer. They are actually posted on PicasaWeb. This is an example of how you can provide links to other places on the WWW. Be forewarned there are over 400 mind-numbing photos in this collection . Click to view photos.

09/03/09 01:54 AM #3    

Duane Bullard

I found this on youtube and simply copied and pasted the link they provided into this response.

09/04/09 01:54 PM #4    

April Adams

Hi Duane, Thanks for all of the work you have done setting this up! April

09/04/09 02:07 PM #5    

Duane Bullard

Thanks April I think this type of site has a great deal of potential for us.

09/06/09 05:15 PM #6    

Duane Bullard

What are the church's current office hours?

09/07/09 02:43 PM #7    

Ethel Grover

Hello Mr. Bullard

09/14/09 03:59 PM #8    

Jeanette McQuitty

I"m having problem posting to topical forum because of "getthreads"(?) error. Help!!

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