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•   Rebecca Mozal  6/25
•   Stephanie Jordan  1/27
•   Nicholas Otto  8/17
•   William Mozal The Third  5/26
•   Charles Mason  5/5
•   April Mason (Steutermann)  5/4
•   Matthew Otto  4/23
•   Alexander Otto  3/3
•   Steve Otto  12/27
•   Sandra Jordan  12/15
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None in the next 30 days.

Happy New Year!


Welcome to the official Field-Family web site. It's hard for everyone to keep up with each other, and visits are not always easy. Hopefully with something like this we can keep in touch, share pictures and events, and plan a reunion to bring our family together soon.


The format of this website is from a reunion website, and will be updated in 2010 as options are expanded with more family-focused options. In the meantime, most "class" prompts are deactived or should be ignored. Also, feel free to have spouses and others request to setup profiles as well. I figured that can be done individually to make it easier.





