In Memory

Todd Norton

Todd Norton

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07/29/08 11:58 AM #1    

Ira Rosenblatt

Todd and I grew up 4 doors away from each other. We knew each other since 1st grade. Although we didn't hang much in Jr. High, we did reconnect after we each completed law fact, since our offices were close, we regularly had lunch. Todd changed a lot since Portola....picture torn jeans, thongs, backwards baseball cap, NFL jersey, and a 911 with top down...that was Todd on a work day less he had to be in court....Last time I saw Todd was 2 days before he suddenly many ways, it was classic Norton...We bumped into each other at Best Buy. He was dressed as outlined above. He dug in his pocket and coughed up the $100 he owed me from the standing UCLA/USC football bet we had each year (4 months late)...gave me a hug, and said he wouldn't be making the party later that evening (a mutual friends sons bar mitzvah)....and that was it. 2 days later I was stunned to hear the news. He left behind two young sons and a very cool wife. He is often in my thoughts, and when he is, he brings a smile to my face.

08/11/08 08:25 PM #2    

Neal Marks

Todd was one of my best friends since Portola. We went to college together, roomed together, and were always tight. Just like IRA I saw Todd 2 days before his sudden death. Todd knew how to live large and without him as a buddy life would have been alot less eventful. Todd was a true "Dude" and I think of his often.

08/12/08 09:25 AM #3    

Douglas Fabrick

I miss the Buzzard. I did not see him much prior to his departure, and unfortunately, did not hear about this until days after the funeral. But I do miss him much and which I was there to attend.

He loved and lived life to the fullest. I'll always remember fondly that during the college years, dropping out of UCLA summer school together and instead hanging out with him and the other boys of that Summer [Steve, Neal, Stone].

Later Dude.

08/22/08 03:58 AM #4    

Todd Haines

Todd was a great guy. Played little league with him at Tarzana LL. I always reminded him that my mom beat his mother in the election for league president. We both went to UCSD, and had a strong intramural football team as freshman (Neal Marks and Steve Underberger were on the team as well, but we compensated for them). He was the quarterback, and I played wide receiver...made for a good combination. In college he was a TKE, and I was president of ZBT, nonetheless, we stayed friends throughout college. Todd, Ira R and I went to check out law schools together..I think he chose Santa Clara because he thought the gym was cool. He was a successful adult, but in a lot of ways never grew up. He represented my grandmother in a lawsuit, and she loved him....I always appreciated that. The last time I saw him was at Neal Marks' daughter's Bat Mitzvah...he was always full of life.....and will be missed.

08/29/08 01:04 PM #5    

Brad Mindlin

Todd was a great guy. We went to UCSD together as well. He was a part of my fraternity. Todd was a lot of fun and a good guy to be with. He always brought life to the party.

09/08/08 08:52 AM #6    

Gary Pearl

I heard about Todd's passing while driving to a golf tournament in honor of Craig Perlmuth. A friend who knew him was on the phone with me as I was driving through Topanga Canyon from the beach to Calabasas. I said I was headed to a dinner in memory of a high school friend (Craig) and the person on the other end of the line said, "oh you mean Todd Norton." These passing are the cycle of life, but it's always really shocking. Though we were not in touch post high school, I think Todd lived well and large and I will always remember he had a great time at prom.

09/24/08 02:00 PM #7    

Mindey Morrison

Todd was my first real love. We dated from the time we were 15 trough some of our college years. Our first unofficial "date" was Mom picking us up from the dance together. We both went with different friends but came home together holding hands in the back seat. It was hot from the beginning. :) We experienced everything together that you do with your first love and you never forget making out to "Babe" in my celica a million times. I was devastated when Neal Marks called to tell me of Todd's passing. I have some of my best memories with Todd. He has always held a speial place in my heart and always will. He is so missed.

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