In Memory

Bobbi Geiger

Bobbi Geiger

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12/21/10 10:33 PM #1    

Wanda Jones (Trotta)

Bobbi was my friend from the time we were in third grade.  I attended Holy Angels Academy until ninth grade.  My Mom wanted me to join the Brownies but no one would take me into their troop because I didn't go to the public elementary school, Emerson.  So, Mrs. Geiger phoned and said she would be glad to have me in her troop.  Bobbi was my second son's Godmother.  She and I spoke very often on the phone.  She was ill for many years but complained not at all. 

The week before she passed away I called to see how she was doing.  She shared that she would be in hospice the next week.  What could I say?  I told her I loved her and to have a wonderful new adventure and that I would miss her terribly.  She died a couple of weeks later.

On my birthday a few months later I received a package in the mail from her husband, John.  Bobbi had bought me a birthday present months before and asked him to send it to me if she wasn't here.  Needless to say, my tears flowed when I opened the angel she had so thoughtfully gotten me when she was so ill.  The same scenario repeated itself the Christmas can I describe the emotions?

I know Bobbi is enjoying that wonderful new adventure.  Bon Voyage, Bobbi!


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