In Memory

Patricia Machol (Dominus)

Patricia Machol (Dominus)

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12/30/10 03:37 PM #1    

Xian (Bill) Yaegan

Patricia Machol was the girl I loved most in Teaneck, and I owe her a lot for the stabilising influence she had on me. She was an intellectual, analytical and well-read. Her father was editor of Petroleum Week.

We dated during our junior and senior years, and broke up after a year in college.

She was an exchange student in France for part of the senior year. She attended Quaker meeting, and helped with a Quaker effort to integrate housing in that part of New Jersey.

Patricia went on to marry a former military officer named Dominus (I fear that I lost contact with her about that time, so I don't remember his first name.) She went into the investment banking field, in which she enjoyed significant success, becoming a senior vice president at Citi Bank.

She developed MS over the years, which developed slowly but left her disabled in the end. A year or two before she died, she came to visit me in California, and I am grateful that she did. I got a chance to apologize and she got a chance to explain. She came when I was at the bottom of a cycle, broken hearted and broke, and I am afraid that I reinforced all her opinions of the worth of the life in the arts. I wish she could see me now, but my rural comfort would probably not impress her any more than my single room did then.

I don't know how it would happen, but I could wish that her children and husband could contribute to this. I would love to know what she was to them.

01/17/11 03:51 AM #2    

Barbara Singer (Mintz)


Pat died, on August 22, 2009, from complications arising from her multiple sclerosis. She had gotten MS about 25 years before and for more than 20 of those years we had treated it as an inconvenience rather than a handicap. But during the last two years of her life it progressed rapidly until she was completely bedridden and unable to engage in those activities which gave her life meaning. When, in August, she discovered that she'd have to enter the hospital for a fifth time that year, and could expect further frequent hospital stays, she refused and chose hospice instead.

We were married for 46 years and had two children and now four grandchildren. Her sister, Jill,  is very much alive and well. We spent Xmas with her and Pat's (our) goddaughter's family in Washington. Our son Jason is in Philadelphia with his wife and two daughters, whom Pat got to know. One of my favorite pictures is of Pat applying make-up to one of the girls. Her daughter Kate, Kate's husband, and her twin 15 month old boys have moved in with me (I have a 3 BR apt) and have brought life to my home again.

She was my heart, she was my soul, she was my every source of happiness.  Being her husband was the greatest gift ever bestowed upon me.

Bart Dominus


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