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•   James (Jim) Abel (1981)  4/24
•   Brett Albert Young (1981)  12/29
•   Jerry Kelly (1983)  12/11
•   Timothy Ryan (1982)  7/21
•   Tracy Johnston (Johnston) (1982)  1/23
•   Karen Heikens (Tuitt) (1982)  5/12
•   Basilio Borboa (1982)  5/27
•   Todd Meldahl (1980)  1/26
•   Tracey Hillervere Hall (Lechuga) (1981)  6/10
•   David E. Croom, Jr. (1981)  6/4
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1 lives in Alaska
130 live in Arizona
10 live in California
5 live in Colorado
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
3 live in Ohio
3 live in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
5 live in Texas
5 live in Utah
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Sweden
678 location unknown


•   Joseph Masterson III (1981)  9/20
•   Craig Akers (1982)  9/24
•   John Felty (1982)  10/1
•   Karen Heikens (Tuitt) (1982)  10/3
•   Stephanie Dorsey (Somenek) (1983)  10/7
•   Kelly Arbizu (1982)  10/12
•   Alex Escarcega (1982)  10/12
•   Tracy Johnston (Johnston) (1982)  10/13
•   Scott M. Michaud (1981)  10/13
•   Jodean Depoy (Coyer) (1982)  10/14
•   Margaret Maza (Schmalz) (1980)  10/14
•   Kamal Al-Marayati (1981)  10/16
•   Rebecca Bebow (van Doren) (1981)  10/16

Corona del Sol High School
Classes of 1980 - 1987

Thanks to all who organized the Reunion

Thanks for attending.  Get ready to post your pics and comments !!  

Reunion photo album & comment tab to the left coming this week.

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1) Click "Classmate Profiles" on the left 
2) Click on your graduation year
3) Scroll down and click on your name**
4) Enter your info and create a password
5) Click "Sign Up for Reunion" on the left 
6) Select events to attend.  You're set!!
** Your name not there?  Click "Contact Us" and give us your FULL NAME and GRADUATION YEAR.  We will add you to your class list. 

Some Alumni who came to the reunion !!!

You came & not listed?  Contact us.  Tell us your name. 

Diane Aiello
Craig Akers
Frederick Aldorasi, Jr.

Mark Allen
Kamal Al-Marayati
Kelly Arbizu
Alicia Armendariz (Barron)

Jeffrey Arredondo
Missie (Lu Anne) Bainbridge (Valliere)
George Barnes III
Beverly Taylor Barton
Carolyn Hall (Barba)

Kenneth Bastion
Shelley Beaton (Foster)
Rebecca Bebow (Van Doren)

Deborah Beene (Fisher)
JoAnn Biritz (Ferradino)
Michelle Blatecky (Luera)

Keith Bonanno
Jim Bowman
Gary Bradley

Jon Brightbill
Jeanine Brothers
Denice Brown (Lange)

Darrell Bunton
Opal Butterfield (Venell)
Lisa Jo (L.J.) Burrough (Fitzgerald)
Kathryn Cave (Olds)

Ronald Cicalese
Susan Close (Reginato)
Clarissa Cosgrove
Nancy Crookston (Skidmore)
Glenn Cunningham
Wendell Davis II 
Andrew Depoy
Jodean Depoy (Coyer)
Jeffery Dick 
Stephanie Dorsey (Somenek)
Brian Dunny
Camille Edwards (Hepworth)
Alex Escarcega
Brad Evans
Tim Florschuetz
Christina Flowers (Denney)
Andrea (Aundi) Fokos (Parillo)
Deborah Fuhrman (Wolfgram)
Monica Gomez (Iannella)

Dawn Green (Tunny)
Danielle Gurley (Coleman)
Lizabeth Harlow
Shelly Hatten (Jackson)
Lisa Headlee (Jones)

Sheila Holdeman (Kimbrell)
Scott Hollis
Cynthia Humiston (Leffue)
Denise Ingelido (Pias)

Rob Jackson
Brian Jacobson
Sheri Jutting (Toomb)
Debra Katzenberger

Michael Kearney
Michelle Kennedy
Susanne Kile

Mayanne Kile (Carnell)
Devon Kelley (Richter)

Marti Kelley (Ouellette)
Jerry Kelly
Kenneth Kessler
Gregory Knight

Ian Kohen
Devon Kohen (Meyer)
Brian Lamont
Troy Landrum

Victoria Lawrence (Kieffer)
Leslie Leap (Totten)
Danette Lee (Cox)
Shawn Lentz (Hamilton)

Carlos Levario
Andrew Lewis
Angela Lewis (Wendt)
Rhonda Lines (Nieto)
Lori Logan (Markham)

Joseph Masterson III
David Maza
Margaret Maza (Schmalz)
Jolene McAdams (Gulley)
Candy McGinnis (Cross)

Jonathan Mellor
Devon Meyer

Scott Michaud
Lisa Minitti (Beerling)
Steve Mitchell
Keith Monk

Marie Moody (Stangler)
Fred Mortensen
Kelly Mortensen (Lara)
Earnest Neal
Pamela Neumann (Holland)
Carey O'Bannon (Kyler)
Ricky O'Neal
Randy Oveson

Matthew Owens
Michael Page
Teri Paluszcyk (Barnwell)
Thomas Paxton, Jr.
Devaree Peshall (Milhon)
Julie Petty

Richard Phillips, Jr.
Lana Powell (Reinson)
Shannon Roberts
Brian Rodgers
Cheryl Rogers (Martin)
Dina Romero (Breaux)

Mark Ryan
Kurtis Scholes

Michelle Schoonmaker (Michel)
Angela Simpson (Honaker)

Rhonda Slaughter
Becky Stehman (Daniels)
Trudy Stevens (Zautke)

Teresa Toney
Paul Tuch (Manning)
Christopher Ulery
Craig Umbower

Lori VanZile (Stuart)
Chris Vlcek (Sabel)
Christopher Ulery
Mary Wenzel Preston
Julie Warford (Freeman)
Camille White (Seymore)

David Whitehead
Charles (Chuck) Wong

Felicia Woodward (Woodward)
Michele Youngbeck (Lorance)