Site FAQ's

1.) How do I get into this site? In order to access all the information of this site, please create an account. You must also be logged in to see all the links/important information on this site.

2.) Who will be able to see/access my profile information? You can set up your privacy however you would like under the "Edit Your Profile" link. You can make your profile visible to anyone who visits the site, or to registered classmates only. You can also choose whether or not your mailing address and phone number are displayed. If you do not want them displayed, only the city and state where you live will be listed.

3.) Does the public or other classmates have access to my e-mail address? The answer is no. Your e-mail address is stored in this website and only the administrator has it on file. Allison (Sample) Steiner will use your e-mail to correspond with you and the rest of the class. If you decide to give someone your e-mail, that is totally up to you. No one will be able to get it from Allison or anywhere on the site.

4.) Does Class Creator rent, sell, or in any way profit from having our names, addresses, and personal information? How does it make its money? NO, class creator does not sell or rent any of your information. You will not be a target for marketing or solicitation. All personal contact information is strictly confidential and is only seen by Allison.

Reunion FAQ's

1.) Can I bring a spouse/partner/friend? Yes, you are allowed one guest per person. If you are bringing a guest, make sure to buy two tickets instead of one.

2.) Can I bring my child/children? We would prefer for you not to bring children to this event. This is a time to visit with our classmates and other adults. If for some reason you are unable to find a babysitter, please send an e-mail to Allison ('Contact Us' link). Children over the age of 3 may have to pay a minimal ticket fee to cover the cost of food.

3.) What should I wear? Please dress somewhat nice/casual chic. Men: dress pants, dress shirts; Women: dress pants, blouse, dress, skirt, etc.

4.) How do I buy tickets? Please refer to the 'Ticket Information' link. Please buy your tickets atleast 2 weeks in advance (by June 18). Ticket cost will go up after that from $25.00 to $30.00.

5.) I received my tickets, but now have to cancel. Do I get a refund? Yes, you can receive a refund up until June 11, 3 weeks before the event. Refunds will not be given after that. In order to receive a refund, contact Allison via the 'Contact Us' link.

6.) I sent a check for my tickets, but have not received them yet. What should I do? Please be patient. It may take about a week for me to get the tickets to you. If you have not received the tickets within two weeks of mailing the check, please contact me via the 'Contact Us' link.

7.) Can I pay at the door? Yes, but we would prefer if you didn't. We need to pay vendors and caterers before the event and could use the money brought in by the tickets. Ticket cost is higher ($30.00) if you pay at the door or after June 18.

8.) Do I have to show my ticket(s) to get into the reunion? We would prefer if you had your tickets when you arrive at the reunion. If for some reason you forgot them or lost them, we will have a list of all the people that have paid at the door.

9.) Where do I park for the event? Two hour on-street parking is available on a first come, first serve basis. The Terre Haute parking garage is located next to The Ohio Building for additional parking.

10.) Can I smoke in The Ohio Building?The facility is designated as a non-smoking environment. You are able to smoke outside the building in designated areas.

11.) Will dinner be served? No, appetizers and hor'derves only. Catering services are provided by the Saratoga Restaurant.

12.) Is there a bar? Yes, a open bar will be available. Please bring proper identification.

13.) At what time should I arrive to the reunion? Please be there promptly at 7:00 p.m. We will have someone taking tickets until around 7:30, but please get here as close to 7:00 as possible so the people taking tickets can enjoy their reunion too.


If you don't see an answer to your question, please send a message to me via the 'Contact Us' link.
