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•   Anthony D Eaton  4/17
•   Vera Gamble (Holmes)  6/11
•   Sheryll Holt (Beville)  6/17
•   Marion Pickrum  4/25
•   Roy Sanders  2/4
•   Lloyd Lewis  1/28
•   Richard Walker  1/8
•   Percy Jerome Cox, Jr.  1/11
•   John Dawson  8/28
•   Vincent King  1/28
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5 live in Alabama
3 live in California
2 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in New York
1 lives in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
27 location unknown


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November 20, 2016 Fellow Alumni & Friends, The Grand School Reunion, scheduled for July 2017, is fast approaching. The Reunion Commiee is eagerly awaing its arrival. We are filled with excitement as we ancipate seeing familiar faces, reminiscing about memorable MCTS/ALJHS experiences, and sharing” dbits” of our lives since our high school days. To accomplish these things, the Grand Reunion Commiee has planned the following inerary: Friday, July 7, 2017 Check-In/Registraon Best Western Hotel, Demopolis Reunion Banquet: 7:00 p.m. Demopolis Civic Center Saturday, July 8, 2017 Amelia Love Johnson High School Necrology Service: 10 a.m. Business Meeng: 11 a.m. Picnic: 12 noon- 3p.m. *Individual Class Acvies: 3 p.m. unl Sunday, July 9, 2017 Amelia Love Johnson High School Church Service & Farewell: 10:30 a.m. To finance the reunion, the commiee has set the following fees: Couple $125.00 Single $75.00 T-shirts: Adult S-XL $12.00 1X and above $14.00 *This me has been set aside for members of individual classes to get together.

For your convenience, the following lodging accommodaons have been made and will be held unl June 1, 2017. When making reservaons, please make reference to MCTS/ALJHS Grand School Reunion. ) Best Western – 30 rooms @ $98.95 plus tax per night (Demopolis: 334-289-2611 Econolodge – 25 rooms @ $94.95 plus tax per night (Demopolis: 334-287-0300 Comfort Inn- 25 rooms @ double $104.00 King $99.00 (Demopolis (334) 289-9595 All monies should be forwarded to Wynell Williams, P. O. Box 72 Thomaston, AL 36783 by March 31, 2017. Monies should be in the form of check or money order made payable to MCTS/ALJHS Grand School Reunion. Please complete the enclosed data form and return with your reunion fees. Any addional informaon that the commiee deems necessary to send out will be done via-email. We anxiously await our coming together and fellowshipping. Unl we meet for our Grand Event, we wish you God speed.

MCTS/ALJHS Grand School Reunion DATA FORM Name____________________________________________Class of___________ Mailing Address___________________________________ ___________________________________ Telephone (H) ________________________________________ (C)________________________________________ E-mail Address________________________________________ Number of people aending_______________________________ Single (75.00) ___________ Couple (125.00) __________ Reunion Fee T-Shirts_____________________________ (All t-shirts are adult sizes). (Please indicate number of T-shirts being ordered). S (12.00) ___________ M (12.00) __________ L (12.00) ___________ XL (12.00) ___________ 1X (12.00) ___________ 2X (14.00) ___________ 3X (14 00) ___________ 4X (14.00) _____________
Total Fees Submitted ___________

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3/26/2017 12:00 PM | Meeting called to order by John B. Dawson
In Attendance
Rev Lloyd Lewis Chaplin
John B. Dawson President
Sheryll (Holt) Beville
Roy Sanders
Johnny Wallace
Vincent Ling
Leroy Dansby
Regionald Baldwin

Approval of Minutes
The Feb 26,, 2017 Meeting Minutes were read by John Dawson and approved by the class.
Current Business
Current Business:
A vote was taken, agreed upon and seconded to use the Logo from the Class of 77 Web page, which was build by Roy Sanders for the class 501 c3, which Sheryll Beville is working on.
The Logo Can be viewed in the upper left corner on the Class Web page.
Sheryll advised the class that she had checked into starting the 501 c3 Non-profit organization for our class, but we need to elect officers to complete the pro
Johnny Wallace stated that he checked and we only need three officers for a 501c3 non-profit organization.
Johnny Wallace also stated that starting a 501 c3 Non-profit organization is very complicated and has many legaliaties.
Sheryll stated that we need to decide what type of non-profit we want to be.
John Dawson stated that since we are starting off with a small group, we should start off as a Small Charitable Non-profile organization.
JB Dawson agreed to continue serving as President/Secretary throughout 2017, but advised the class that for a 501c 3 purposes, he cannot hold two offices and vote twice.
Roy Sanders agreed to continue working on the development of Bylaws for the class, but stated that he need to know which offices will be represented.
John Dawson and Sheryll stated that we need a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Chief Financial Officer/CFO.
Roy wanted to know what name we will call the group.
John Dawson read item 10 from the Feb 26 meeting minutes where we voted to name the organization for 501c3 purposed “ALJH Class of 77 Paying it Forward”.
John Dawson informed the class that we also need to develop a Slogan and a Mission Statement.
Johnny Wallace stated that the Slogan and Mission Statement will be simple and short.
The class agreed that due to the failure of ALJH Athletic Department to communicate with the vendor in 2016, we will roll the 2016 contribution into 2017, which Richard agreed to handle and deliver to the school.
The class agreed that our next contribution will be a face-to-face contribution in late 2018 (Oct. time frame).
The class agreed to start collecting funds for the 2018 Face-to-Face in July, 2017
The 2018 contribution TBA…(Next Meeting).
Lloyd Lewis asked the question, “how many people beside the people who called in last month know thw the class will merge in with the Grand Reunion instead of hosting our own Class Reunion.
That class all agreed that we all need to start call other classmates and spread the word about the merge with the School Grand Reunion.
Roy Sanders stated that he will post an announcement on the class website, which will send out invitations to everyone who has registered their email addresses on the class website.
John Dawson agreed to send out the Grand Reunion Letter, the ALJ Football Schedule and the URL for the Class of 77 Website to everyone via email, text, on the Class of 77 Facebook Group Page and on the class of 77 Website.
Johnny Wallace shared an idea for the 2018 contribution: “We should check with the local Military Medical/Dental units to see if they would be willing to set up wellness check, pre-medical screening, dental exams/extractions and other services for people in the community who may not have insurance. The class agreed that would be a good idea.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55pm
New Business for April 30, 2017
Contribution Details for 2018
Select Officers
Slogan and Mission Statement TBA….
The Class of 77 merge with the MCTS/ALJH Grand Reunion July 7th through the 9th.
Next Meeting
4/30/2017; 5PM standard time, Conference Call: 641-715-3580 access code 445161.

*Note: Action items are in green

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