Newsletter #1



20TH Year Reunion Newsletter


September 01, 2009

Believe it or not, we are coming up on our 20th year reunion in 2010!  There was a 10th year reunion a decade ago, but there was a poor turnout for that event.  I must admit I did not attend that reunion.

Now that we are older, more mature and wiser let’s try to get together and catch up with each other regarding our lives over the past 20 years.

Stephen Beckage has been appointed as the 20th year reunion chairman and has done an outstanding job so far contacting people via FACEBOOK regarding this event.  If you do not have a FACEBOOK account setup, please do so and join our ever growing group.  Please consider doing this as a means to reconnect with your classmates.

In addition, we have also created a reunion website.  This site will be used as a source for all 20th reunion news, plans, upcoming events, and reunion tickets (when finalized).  Please join this site (the cost to you is $0.00).  As of 09/01/09 we have 20 classmates logged on to this site.

Through these websites approximately 50% of our class has been reached. We would like to reach all 100 classmates and make the 20th reunion an amazing event in 2010.  Once registered on these sites you will have an opportunity to submit your suggestions through our polling and surveys listed on the sites.

Whatever the date, place or attire I believe the events success will mainly depend on the interest and turnout.  Please consider attending and contributing your suggestions to our 20 year reunion and make it the best it can be.


Your class President 1990

Michael Freiman


**Links to sites and class email listed on the following page.



-Please use the e-mail address above for any questions you may have about the reunion or to send us information about a location, address, email of a classmate.

FACEBOOK GROUP: Search for this group “MID-VALLEY CLASS OF 1990”

-The group above is our FACEBOOK group, join at your leisure


-The reunion site above is the MOST important site to join. 


If you do not have access to a computer or e-mail then you can correspond with us by mail


C/O: Stephen Beckage

2049 Wells Court

Allentown Pa, 18103


