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•   Karen Seltzer (Davis)  9/24
•   Michelle Freeze (Grail)  1/9
•   Rocchina D'Amico (Holland)  8/24
•   Pamela (Pam) Hooper  9/2
•   Margaret Flanigan (Klemme)  8/30
•   Joseph Larsen  8/30
•   Lori Bowers (Evitts)  8/29
•   (Alphie) Frank Cisar II  9/21
•   Shelly Long  9/13
•   Elizabeth (Beth) Preston (Berger)  4/30
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1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in Delaware
3 live in Florida
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60 live in Maryland
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
3 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Oregon
15 live in Pennsylvania
3 live in Virginia
1 lives in West Virginia
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1 lives in France
108 location unknown


•   Angela (Angie) Cool (Hansen)  10/3
•   Chris Gauss  10/3


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We are planning the CHS Class of 1984 35th Reunion. It will be a fun, relaxing day starting at 12 noon on Sunday September 8 at Catherine Welty Millers Farm located at 12946 Creagerstown Road, Thurmont, Maryland 21788. Families welcome!

The reunion committee will be providing burgers, hotdogs and fried chicken.

Please bring a dish based on first letter of your last name in the alphabet. (A-I bring an appetizer), (J-Q bring a side dish) (R-Z bring a dessert).

BYOB and Drinks

Since it’s on private property there won’t be any rules on when we have to stop.

Plan on listening to good music (guitars and drums included), playing games, eating good food and laughing about what we thought was important when we were “young”.

Please respond to this post if you are an alum and would like to attend.

If you’re in contact with a classmate that’s not on Facebook reach out to them and convince to show up. We’ve all grown up and really should share are stories. I’ll bet we’ve all experienced the same damn thing.

We look forward to hearing from you all.

John Parker


You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

1)   * Will you be attending the reunion? If so, respond with a number representing the total number of people including yourself who will attend. Families and significant others welcome!

2)   The reunion committee will be providing burgers, hot dogs and fried chicken. Please indicate below what you plan to bring to the reunion. Committee is asking that you bring the following based on the first letter of your last name: A-I appetizer, J-Q side dish, R-Z dessert.

