Class Lunches

January 3, 2020 Luncheon at T.J.Willies

We had a good time at our January 3 luncheon at T.J Willies. They want to return there in March.

Here is a list of names of those who came yesterday.

Shirley Baker

Ginny Bauers

Janet and Howard Beisner

Herb Crum

Norma and Hank Hin

Sarah Hoffman

Val Hohman and assistant Jenni Gerschultz

Fred and Jean Michaels

Peggy Thallman

Submitted by Janet Beisner

September 6, 2019


Attending the lunch today at T J Willies were (starting on left) Peg Hunker Tallman, Sara Hoffman, Paula Crum, Val Hohman and friend Jenny, Herb Crum, Shirley Beard Baker, Jenny Beowors (Peg's cousin) and Joan Stoner taking the picture.  Norma and Hank had planned to attend but then they had to cancel.  Norma said greetings to everyone. There was a lot to be said today.  The group left the table at 2 pm and many stopped to talk to Bob Meyer who was eating with a group of men on the patio. The group suggested that we meet the first Friday in November at The Wall Street Cafe on the campus of Tiffin University.

January 5, 2018:

Unfortunately, our class luncheon this past Friday only brought out five classmates and two guests, due to illness and bitter cold!

Lucy Lather

September 2, 2017:

We held our luncheon at Asian grill.  18 attended and had a good time. Our next one will be November 3, At Fort Ball buffet. Those attending were as follows: Lucy Lather & sister Barb Egbert; Norma & Hank Hiner; Sara Huffman; Loretta Bargahiser & Barb; Patrice & Loretta's daughers, Belinda, & Cindy; Janet & Howard Beisner; Shirley Baker; Herb Crum; Val Hohman (Vivian's  daughter) & Jenny, Val's helper; Peggy Thallman  & cousin Jenny Bower; and Vivian Blankenship.

Pictures to follow,




July7, 2017:

May 5, 2017:  Hello Tiffin Columbian Class of '57 and friends,
We had our luncheon today at TJ’S Willie’s.
The committee for the Class Reunion held a meeting before the luncheon.
26 attended the luncheon: Norma & Hank Hiner; Jean & Fred Michaels; Janet & Howard Beisner; Lucy Lather; Joan Stoner; Jim Fey; Herb Crum; Bob & Barb Bower; Judy & Gene Zimmer; Judy & Joe Hartman; Loretta Bargaheiser & friend Barb Patrice;  Vivian Blankenship, daughter Val Hohman & friend Jenny; Peg Thallman & cousin Jennie Bower; Marilou Hill; Pattie Schreiner; and Dave Speas.
The next luncheon will be Friday, July 7, 11:30 am at TJ’s again.

March 3, 2017:

Those attending the luncheon at the Asian Grill were Lucy Lather and her sister, Barb Egbert, Dave Speas, Sara Huffman, Norma and Hank Hiner, Shirley Baker, Jim Fey, Loretta Bargaheiser and her friend Barb Patrice, Peggy Thalma, Jenny Bower, Claude Hohman, Bob and Barb Bauer,         Herb Crum, Judy and Gene Zimmer, and Viv Blankenship.

Plans for the 60th Reunion were discussed.  Lots of laughter could be heard.

The next class lunch will be held May 5th.

January 6, 2017:

Lunch was held today at Fort Ball Pizza.

November 4, 2016:

Hello ,

We held our luncheon today  at Wall Street Bar and Grill. Twenty five attended.  Everyone signed  a get well card for Rudy Karle. He’s at St France home for therapy as he had a mini stroke several weeks ago, Now he has two  blood clots in his lungs.  (They are giving him blood thinners.  His Address is 182 St Francis Home Tiffin Oh 44883, If you’d like to send a card.

Also,  Bob Bauer is at home  recovering  from his lung surgery. Please  keep both in your prayers.

The ones  attending today was as follows .Norma & Hank Hiner from Ashland Oh .Jean & Fred Michaels  from Attica Oh .Joan Stoner, Herb & Paula Crum, Peggy Thallman , Carol Bergman, Port Clinton  OH, Vivian Blankenship & daughter Val Hohman and her aid Jenny Gerschutz. Loretta Bargaheiser & Friend Barbara Patrice Marion Oh, Marilou Hill,  Judy & Ronald Zimmer, Sycamore Oh ,Bill Dryfuse, Jim Fey , Ginny Bower, Patty & Joe Schreiner.

The next luncheon will be held Jan, 6, 2017 at Fort Ball Pizza  - time 11:30 am.

Pictures will follow .

Thank you,

Vivian Blankenship.

July 1, 2016:

Hello classmates and friends,

We had our July 1 luncheon at Fort Ball Pizza. Thirteen attended. We will
let you know where the next luncheon will be closer to September 2.  We
might go to the new Tiffin University Wall Street Pub and Grill.  Viv will
let you know.

Those attending today were Jim Fey, Norma and Hank Hiner, Sara Huffman,
Rudy Karle, Carol Engle, Peg Thallman, Janet and Howard Beisner, Herb
Crum, Peg McCoy Brickner, Carol Toepper Bergman, and Bill Dryfuse.

  Carol and Norma

Above: Hank, Jim, Ruddy, Herb, Howard and Bill.

Above, Carol, Janet, Sara, Peg and Peg.

Hope to see you in September.

Janet Beisner


May 6, 2016
Hello Class mates and friends,
We had our  luncheon today at Golden Crown.Restaurant. 20  attended ,  They decided to go to Fort Ball Pizza the next time . That will be Friday, July 1st at 11:30 am.
Those attending today were as follows.Shirley Baker, Peg Thallman, Jim Fey, Norma & Hank Hiner,
Bob & Barb Bauer, Sara Huffman, Joan Stoner, Loretta Bargaheiser, & friend Barb Patrice, Rudy Karle,
Janet & Howard Beisner, Carol Engel, Herb Crum, Vivian Blankenship & Daughter Val Homan & her Aid Jenny, Marylou Hill.
Marlylou Hill hasn't been with us for a very long time. She has been battling cancer but is in remission at this time. My daughter Val Hohman had two strokes Christmas day, and has been in rehab to get better and now she's back in her home taking therapy,  Glad to see them both Mary Lou and Val attending our lunches again.
Thank you,
Thursday, March 4, 2016
Hello Classmates,
We had a small group but a tasty luncheon today at Madison Street Tavern.We had fun laughing and visiting together.
The snow was coming down but wasn't sticking  to the roads.
We're planning on going to Golden Crown on Friday, May 6th at 11:30 am. That is located at 126 Dwight Street, it's off of E. Market Street. They serve American & Chinese food. Something different for a change.
Their was 10 attending today: Peggy Thallman & friend Ginny Bower, Jim Fey, Judy & Gene Zimmer, Fred & Jean Michaels.Sara Huffman, Joan Stoner, Vivian Blankenship.
Thank you,
                   Peggy Tallman and Jim Fey
             Judy and Gene Zimmer with Fred Michaels
                                     Jean Michaels with Joan Stoner
     Sara Huffman with Peggy's friend Ginny Bower
January 8, 2016
Hello all classmates and friends .
We had our luncheon to day at Madison Street Tavern.  22 attended. They had a really good time visiting.They really like the food there and want to come again , so that's where it will be Thursday
March 3 , 2016 at 11:30 am.  We had to change the day of the week as the owner said the number in our group was too many to have with his reg. business on a Friday.  Since we're all retired that will be no trouble at all.
Peg Thallman brought a get well card for my Daughter Val  Hohman who had a stroke Christmas Day  and is in  rehab now to get better.  (They all sign two cards as I took one too as Val always attends our luncheons
with me.)
Those attending today were Shirley Baker, Claude Hohman, Howard & Janet Beisner, Herb Crum,
Peggy Thallman,Vivian Blankenship, Carol Engle, Jim Fey, Norman & Hank Hiner, Bob & Barb Bauer,
Peggy Brickner, Judy & Gene Zimmer, Fred & Jean Michaels, Patty Schreiner. Sara Huffman and
Joan Stoner.
Left to right: Bob Bauer, Gene & Judy Zimmer, Sara Huffman,
Jean & Fred Michaels and Joan Stoner.

First right: Norma Hiner, Patty Schreiner, Howard & Janet Beisner,
Shirley Baker, Peggy Thallman, Carol Engle and Jim Fey.
Barb and Bob Bauer with Gene and Judy Zimmer
Hope to see you on Thursday, March 3rd at 11:30 am.
Vivian Blankenship
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
November 6, 2015:
Ethel and Deanna say "Hi".
Hello Class mates,
We held our luncheon today at the Madison Street Tavern.  Everyone enjoyed a different place to go for a change. The food was very good and some people had to take some of the meals home there was so much,
21 were around the tables.  Those present were as follows: Sara Huffman, Fred & Jean Michaels, Dave & Susan Aller, Janet & Howard Beisner, Jim Fey, Shirley Baker, Peg Thallman, Rudy Karle,Charles Mizen,Bob & Barb Bauer, Herb Crum,Joan Stoner, Ethel Jordan & sister Deanna Bly, Vivian Blankenship & daughter Val Hohman and Bill Dryfuse,.
I asked where everyone wanted to go January 8, 2016 and they said they'd like to come back to the same place again.  So we will hold another luncheon January 8, 2016 starting at 11:30 at the same place .
Thank you, 
Vivian Blankenship
  Barb, Bob and Howard
  Fred and Jean Michaels
September 4, 2015:
We had a good turn out at the Asian Grill to see Sarj Bloom  and Jan, his sweet  wife.
19 were present and everyone had a good time visiting with each other.
Sarj said this might  be the last time he gets to Tiffin Town, as his eyes have gotten much worse. We were so sorry to hear this.
Our next luncheon will be held at a different place -  the Madison Street Tavern.  There is plenty of parking and good food too. It's going to be Friday, Nov.6, at 11:30 am.
Those attending the luncheon today were as follow: Howard & Janet Beisner, Herb Crum,
Peggy Thallman, Carol Engle, Jim Fey, Ethel Jordan, Bob & Barb Bauer,Peggy Brickner,
Sarj & Jan Bloom, Loretta Bargaheiser,& friend Barb Patrice, Judy &Gene Zimmers, Rudy Karle, Vivian Blankenship & daughter Val Hohman.
We hope to see YOU at our next luncheon.
  Bob and Sarj
Friday, May 1, 2015:
Hello all classmates and friends of TCH school class of "57'.
We held our luncheon today, May 1st , at Fortball Pizza Palace.
15 attended: Peggy Thallman, and Rudy Karle joined us as they both have been laid up for a while but they was there using their walkers. Glad to see them again.
We had a good lunch and a lot of visiting , laughing .
I showed the ones that don't have a computer the email I had gotten from Sarj with the '57 Care update,  You know who you are that donated to this, thank you again.
Others that was there were as follows.Shirley Baker, Claude Hohman, Howard & Janet Beisner, Herb Crum,Vivian Blankenship,Sara Huffman,Carol Engel,Jim Fey,Loretta Bargaheiser, and friend Barbara Patrice and Joan Stoner.
Our next luncheon will be July 3, 11:30 at Asian Grill at the mall.
Vivian, Blankenship

Friday, March 6, 2015:

We held our luncheon today at Asian Grill on W. Market Street with seventeen attending.. We enjoyed talking and laughing. It's good to get together with each other.

Those attended were Norma & Hank Hiner, Carol Engle, Jim Fey, Vivian Blankenship and daughter Val Hohman, Carole (Toepper) Bergman, Bob and Barb Bauer, Claude Hohman and girl friend Jenney, Herb and Paula Crum, Sara Huffman, Ethel Lee and sister Deana Bly and her daughter Ronda,

Sara Huffman brought get well cards for Peggy Thallman, Rudy Karle, & Charles Mizen for everyone to sign (Peggy - broken leg from a fall, Rudy had surgery to replace hip, and Charlie Mizen had surgery for a broken hip from a fall).

Carol Engel brought candy  and decoration Bunnies for the tables. She also brought a Sympathy card to send to Peggy Brickner for the loss of her sister, Patricia Stover.

Our next luncheon with be May 1 at Fort Ball Pizza Palace.on N, Washington  Street.Time 11:30 A.M.


Janet Beisner , Judy Zimmer, Gene Zimmer, Jim Fey, Charley Mizen
Above left to right: Janet Beisner , Judy Zimmer, Gene Zimmer, Jim Fey, Charley Mizen
January 9th...the first luncheon in 2015.
Today, our luncheon was held at T.J.'s Willies. With temperature at 11 degrees and snow, we should be called the "snow bunnies" !!!
Sixteen attended and we had a great time talking and visiting. Carol (Topper) Berugman, joined us for the first time. She lives in Port Clinton and plans to attend the next lunch too. Also, Dave and Susan Aller from Royal Oak Mich, joined us. We were so glad they all could be with us.
Carol and Peg
Dave and Sue

Others who attended were Janet and Howard Beisner, Charles Mizen, Carol Engle, Jim Fey, Claude Hohman, Peggy Thallman, Herb and Paula Crum, Judy and Gene Zimmer, and Vivian Blankenship.
Janet said that Howard sold his businees and retired the first of the year.
Our next luncheon will be March 6, 2015 at 11:30 am at Asian Grill at the mall.  Everyone enjoyed eating there before and wanted to go there again.

Vivian Blankenship

       Asian Grill Luncheon in November 2014

We had our class Luncheon today (Friday, November 7th) at Asian Grill Buffett  by the mall. 24 attended.
We had a good time visiting with every one including Carol (Topper) whom we saw sitting at a table with some of her family.  She lives in Port Clinton.  She said she will be joining us at future lunches,  weather  permitting.
The ones attending were as follows:
Vivian Blankenship & Daughter Val Hohman, Herb Crum, Janet & Howard Beisner, Patty & Joe Schreiner, Charles Mizen, Carol Engel, Jim Fey, Sara Huffman, Loretta Bargaheiser, & friend Barbara Patrice,
Bob & Barb Bauer, Ethel Jordan & Sister Deana Bly, Peggy Thallman, Judy & Gene Zimmer, Rudy Kale, Norma & Hank Hiner and Claude Hohman.  See how many you can see in the pictures above.
I only took some pictures of the tables as Sarj is having more trouble with his eyes sight, and Joan only has a small space for pictures. .And of course Claude Hohman made me sit down to get my
Our next luncheon will be January 9, 2015, at 11:30 at T.J Willies.
Come join us if your in the area.



Hi Classmates and friends,
Today (September 5, 2014) was our class mates and friends luncheon at Fort Ball Pizza Palace.
19 were present.  They included Carol Arbogast Engle, Shirley Beard Baker, Howard and Janet Shuman Beisner, Herb Crum, Ellen Drake Lange,  Jim Fey, Claude Hohman, Peggy Hunker Thallman, Sara Huffman (Rudy Karle, Ethel Lee Jordan, Hank and Norma Shumaker Hiner, Judy VanCamp and son Jeff and his wife, and myself, Vivian Baugher Blankenship and my daughter.
We had a good time talking and visiting.
Our next place to have our luncheon at Asian Grill on West Market street, by the Theater at the Mall
on Friday, Nov. 7th at 11:30 am.
Thank You,
Vivian Blankenship
Carol and Ellen
Hi Classmates and Friends of TCHS Class of 1957. 
Our luncheon was held today at Carmies Grill with 24 attending.
I had them suggest restaurants where we could hold out next luncheon.
They voted to have it at Carmies again because we have a separate room to ourselves which makes it nice for visiting.
Barbara (Bernard) Reffert was able to join us today because the Michaels brought her. I hope she'll be able to come with them again.We hadn't seen her since our last class reunion.
Howard Beisner made the announcement that Dennis Remy was doing so well after his surgeries. We hope to see him at one of our luncheons.
Our next luncheon will be held July 11th at 12:00 noon at Carmies.
Come join us, if you haven't before. We really have a good time visiting.
                            Howard Beisner and Herb Crum

                                Norma (Shumaker) & Hank Hiner

                           Barb Bauer and Claude Hohman
                        Jim Fey and Gene Zimmer (Judy's husband)

                                  Fred Michaels


                   Val Hohman (Vivian's daughter) and Sara Huffman

                   Judy (Van Camp) Zimmer and Barbara (Bernard) Reffert

                      Jean Michaels (Fred's wife) and Janet Beisner

                                      Ethel Jordan
               Peg ( Mc Coy) Brickner and Shirley Baker

                Peggy Thallman and Barb Patrice ( Loretta Reiter's friend)
                            Loretta ( Rider) Bargaheiser and Ellen Drake

                           Ellen Drake and Vivian Blankenship

What a lovely bunch of "Kids" and just look at all those smiles.  
Love it.  


Friday, March 7, 2014:  We held our luncheon today at Carmies. Twenty five were present. All had a good time visiting with each other and laughing. 
Those in attendance were Charlie Mizen and daughter Dawn, Patsy Hager, Viv Blankenship and daughter Val Hohman, Bob and Barb Bauer, Joan Stoner, Herb Crum, Rudy Karle, Shirley Baker, Peg Thallman, Gene and Judy Zimmer, Carol Engel, Howard and Janet Beisner, Peg McCoy, Ethel Jordan, Sara Huffman, Hank and Norma Hiner, Claude Hohman, Dave Speas and Jim Fey.
Charlie's daughter Dawn Mizen brought two pineapple angelfood cakes to share and celebrate Charles birthday which is March 10.  Dave Speas surprised us with a visit from Springfield Oh. Always good to see him.
We decided to go back to Carmie's for our next class luncheon on May 2, 2014.  Several people mentioned Hope to see you there.
Vivian Blankenship
Friday, January 3, 2014 - a NEW YEAR
Viv reporting:
We held our luncheon today at Golden Crown, in spite of the weather - 6" of blowing snow last night, and temperature below 0 degrees today.
Every one had a good time.  We got to look at pictures that Janet Beisner brought of her and Howard when they first got married and also their 50th anniveresy pictures.
Those in attendance (16) were Shirley Baker, Peggy Thallman, Carol Engel, Herb Crum, Howard and Janet Beisner, Viv Blankenship & her daughter and granddaughter, Bob and Barb Bauer, Charlie Mizen,
Jim Fey, Peg Brickner,
   and Joe and Patty Schreiner. 
Friday, September 6, 2013:
The Class of 57 held their luncheon at Fort Ball Pizza on N. Washington Street.
16  were in attendence and all had a good time.
Those present were Shirley Baker, Jim Fey, Sara Huffman, Herb Crum,
Claude Hohman, Peg Thallman, Rudy Karle, Judy Zimmer and her daughter-in- law Catherine Zimmer, Vivian Blankenship and daughter Val Hohman, Carol Engel, Peg Brickner, and Bill Dryfuse.
Our next luncheon will be Friday November 1,  12:00 noon at Carmie's Grill & Bar on State Rt, 231 (South Washington St.), Tiffin, OH. 
Viv Blankenship
July 5, 2013:
We had a great luncheon today at Fort Ball. Boy what a noisy bunch lol.
I always know when their having a good time. Their was 25 attending today.
They got a surprise !! I didn't tell them who was going to join us today but Keith Hepler from Lehigh Acres Fl, was in town and wanted to join us. So good to see you Keith.
Those attending was Herb and Paula Crum, Ellen Drake, Carol Engel,Jim Fey,Sara Huffman,Shirley Baker,Peg Brickner,Rudy Karle, Ethel Lee, Janet & Howard Beisner,Peggy Thallman,Judy & Gene Zimmer,Keith Hepler, Bill Dryfuse, Loretta Bargaheiser & friend Barbara Patrice, Fred & Jean Michaels, Dave Speas, Denise Ziegler, Claude Hohman, Vivian Blankenship.
Our next luncheon will be held at the same place - Fort Ball Pizza on Friday, Sept.6, 2013.


March 1, 2013:

Class of 57 held a luncheon today at Shell Shuckers and 22 attended.
Viv gave a small speech by welcoming Joan Stoner back with us again. She is back singing with her chorus.
Viv also announced  that we have lost 3 classmates in the last three weeks, Lloyd Robinson, James Brownhaving and Bob Huffman yesterday.  RIP Bob.  We'll miss you.
Viv reported that she went on the old Columbian site that Sarj  takes care of and saw that he had sent out Peace Lily plants to the funeral homes for our classmates. Sarj has been doing this on his own and signing the card Class of 57Care Fund.Viv said she sent him a check as she doesn't feel he should fund this by himself . Several other class mates agreed and will be sending him checks. This is a volunteer Care Fund your names will appear on this site but not how much was sent.
The ones attending today's luncheon was as follows:
Vivian Blankenship, Herb Crum, Ellen Drake, Carol Engle,J im Fey, Claude Hohman, Shirley Baker, Rudy Karle, Ethel Lee & sister Deana Bly, Joan Stoner, Peggy Thallman, Judy & Gene Zimmer, Bill Dryfuse, Norma & Hank Hiner, Loretta Bargeheiser & friend Barbara Patrice and Fred & Jean Michaels.
Our next luncheon will be held again at Shell Shuckers on Friday May 3rd at 12:00 noon.
Pictures were taken by Vivian Blankenship plus one by Peggy Thallman.
Vivian Blankenship.
November 2, 2012
Today at Shellshuckers, the following people attended the luncheon for the Class of 1957:
Hank and Norma (Shumaker) Hiner, Jim Fey, Claude Hohman, Peggy (Hunker) Thallman, Rudy Karle, Charlie Mizen, Gene and Judy (VanCamp) Zimmer, Carol (Arbogast) Engle, Ellen Drake, Bill Dryfuse, Howard and Janet (Shuman) Beisner, Ethel (Lee) Jordan and her sister Deana (Lee) Bly, Vivian (Baugher) Blankenship and her daughter Valerie Hohman, John and Joan Stoner, Patty (Lynn) Schreiner, Herb Crum and Dave Speas.
Lots of talking and laughing went on during our visit.
We hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season.
Mark you calendars for the next luncheon which will be held on Friday, January 4, 2013 at Shellshuckers (12 noon).  We hope to see you there.
July 6, 2012
The Class of '57 enjoyed their bimonthly luncheon on July 6,2012 at Shell Shuckers. Despite the hot conditions of 1000 heat that day, a total of 27 classmates , spouses and guests shared several hours of dining and visiting with old friends. Those attending were Loretta (Reiter) Bargaheiser and friend Barb Patrick, Bob and Barb Bauer, Howand and Janet Beisner, Connie (Collier) Bell, Vivian (Baugher) Blankenship and daughter Val Hohman, Herb Crum, Ellen Drake, Carol (Arbogast) Engle, Jim Fey, Claude and Mary Hohman, Bob and Sara Huffman, Rudy Karle, Ethel (Lee) Jordan and sister Deana Bly, Peggy (McCoy) Brickner, John and Joan Stoner, Peggy (Hunker) Thallman, Gene and Judy (VanCamp) Zimmer, and Dave Speas.
The next scheduled lunch is Friday, September 7, 2012 at 12 Noon at Shell Shuckers.
September 2, 2011
The Class of '57 enjoyed their class lunch Friday, September 2, 2011 at the Golden Crown restaurant. We had a nice crowd with 26 people attending. Those attending were Bob and Sara Huffman,  Loretta (Reiter) Bargaheiser and friend Barb Patrick, Howard and Janet (Shuman) Beisner, Jim Fey, Shirley (Beard) Baker, Bob and Barb (Miller) Bauer, Herb Crum, Peggy (Hunker) Thallman, Peg (McCoy) Brickner, Gene and Judy (VanCamp) Zimmer, Carol (Arbogast) Engle, Vivian Blankenship, Ellen Drake, Hank and Norma (Shumaker) Hiner, Rudy Karle, Denise (Lentz) Ziegler, John and Joan (Crilly) Stoner. Guests attending were Val Hohman and Mariah Hohman.
Our next luncheon will be back at the Golden Crown restaurant, Dwight St. Tiffin on Friday, November 4, 2011 at 12 Noon. If you will be in Tiffin or are considering attending, please come and visit with us. We would love to have you join us.
July 1. 2011
The Class of '57 had a very nice lunch today at Carmie's Bar and Grill, State Route 231. 24 people had planned on coming, but due to illness or prior commitments, only 18 were able to attend.  Attending were Bob & Barb Bauer, Vivian (Baugher) Blankenship, Janet (Shuman) Beisner, Peg (McCoy) Brickner, Herb Crum, Ellen Drake, Carol (Arbogast) Engle, Bob & Sara Huffman, Claude Hohman, Hank & Norma (Shumaker) Hiner, Jim Fey, Rudy Karle, Peggy (Hunker) Thallman, John & Joan Stoner. Unable to attend were Howard Beisner, Loretta (Reiter) Bargaheiser & friend, Frank & Marilyn (Hammond) Fogle, and Charles Mizen.
Our next luncheon will be Friday, September 2, 2011 12Noon at the Golden Crown restaurant, Dwight St., Tiffin.  If you're near Tiffin on that date, please consider attending...we would love to have you with us.
May 6, 2011
Our '57 Class luncheon was held today at Shell Shuckers restaurant. 19 people attended on this beautiful May day. Hank and Norma Hiner and Lucy Lather sent regrets, Prior commitments prevented their attandance. The next scheduled luncheon is at 12Noon, July1, 2011 at Carmie's Restaurant.

Seated: Peg (Hunker) Thallman, Shirley (Beard) Baker, Barbara (Miller) Bauer),  Janet (Shuman) Beisner

Row 2: Marilou (Peer) Hill, Vivian (Baugher) Blankenship, Claude Hohman, Howard Beisner, Bob Bauer

Row 3: Carol(Arbogast) Engle, Herb Crum, Bob Huffman, Sara Huffman

Top Row: Jim Fey, Bill Dryfuse, Rudy Karle, John Stoner

Joan (Crilly) Stoner and Paula Crummwere taking the pictures.


 March 4, 2011
We had our 57 class luncheon today at Shell Shuckers. 20 people attended, in spite of rainy weather.
Standing on the stairs are:
First row top. Rudy Karle, Gene Zimmer Judy (Van Camp's husband, Howard Beisner, Charlie Mizen.
Second row, Jim Fey, Hank Hiner Norma Shumaker's husband,Judy ( VanCamp ) Zimmer,
Third Row:Bob Bauer, Loretta (Rider)Bargaheiser, Norma( Shumaker) Hiner,Vivian (Baugher) Blankenship,
Fourth Row:Barbara ( Miller) Bauer, Bob's wife.
Fifth row:Janet ( Shuman) Beisner, Carol (Arbogast) Engle, Peggy (Hunker) Thallman,Peg ( McCoy) Brickner, John Stoner.

January 8, 2011:
We had our 57class luncheon today at T.J.'s restaurant.  21 people attended. It was a snowy day but a good turn out.
 First picture is Patty ( Lynn) Schreiner, Marilou (Peer) Hill  Howard Beisner  ,Janet (Shuman) Beisner, Carol ( Arbogast) Engle,and Peggy ( Mc Coy) Brickner,
Second picture is Jim Fey, Charlie Mizen, Rudy Karle, Gene Zimmer, Judy ( VanCamp) Zimmer,
Third picture is  John Stoner, Joan Crilly Stoner, Peggy ( Hunker) Thallman, Vivian( Baugher) Blankenship.
And Val Hohman Viv's daughter not shown as she's taking pictures.
Bob (talking to John Stoner) and Barbara Miller Bauer, Herb and Janet Crum and Ellen Drake standing.
We had a new classmate today that recently moved back to Tiffin from Michigan, she is Peggy( McCoy) Brickner,  and she now lives at the Kiwanis Manor . We look forward to seeing her at our luncheon"s.
Our next luncheon is March, 4 th, at Shell Shuckers at 12:00 noon , on RT. 224 and 53.
Viv reporting.


September 3, 2010:
Our Class of 57 held their luncheon today at Carmie's in the Trophy room. Nineteen were present:

Herb Crum, Vivian (Baugher) Blankenship and her daughter Val Hohman,Carol (Arbogast) Engle, Claude Hohman, Bob Huffman and his wife Sara, Hank and Norma (Shumaker) Hiner, Rudy Karle, Jim Fey,

Ellen Drake, Bob and Barbara (Millier) Bauer, Marilou (Peer) Hill, Loretta (Reiter) Bargaheiser and her sister Margret (Reiter) Hazlett and John and Joan (Crilly) Stoner.

Everyone had a good time visiting with each other.

 Our next luncheon will be held at noon on Nov. 5, 2010 at Shell Shuckers.


Friday, March 5, 2010
This group met today:
Left side - Bill Dryfuse, Peg ( Hunker) Thallman, Carol (Arbogast) Engel, Jim Fey,
Vivian (Baugher) Blankenship, Rudy Karle, Charles Mizen, Denise ( Lentz) Ziegler, David Aller,
and his wife Susan.
Right side front to back - Herb Crum,Shirley ( Beard)Baker, Marilou (Peer) Hill, Norma (Shumaker) Hiner, Janet ( Shuman) Beisner, Howard Beisner, Lucy Lather, Loretta (Reiter) Bargaheiser, and her daughter Cindy.








