Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 28
     Profile contains photos: 12
     In Memory: 26
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 8
     Military Service: 4
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Kelvin Allen
Kenneth Allen
Terry Allen
Tony Allen  
Lois Anderson (Kirby)    
John Anderson, Jr.    
Victor Atkinson
Robin Beard  
Elaine Bines (Baker)    
Curtis Blakely   
Phillip Bowman
Chris Brown  
Ronnie Brown
Ashton Brown, Jr.
Michael Buie   
Herbert Byrd  
Lance Carraway    
Vincent Chaplin  
Barbara Coe
Joyce Copeland (Jackson)
Betty Davis (McDowell)
Earnest Davis, Jr.
Maraline Dickey (Edwards)   
Valerie Dickey   
Robert Dobbs
Cynthia Floyd
Alfredia Freeman (McClellan)  
George Fullard   
Shelia Gainey (Goff)   
Andrettta Garner  
Freddie Gibson   
James Gibson   
Sheila Green     
Sammie Greene
Phyllis Hamlin (Williams)  
Gwen Hampton (Scott)   
Laurie Ann Harrell
Dorothy Harrison
Hattie Harrison (Brown)   
Charlie Hicks   
Jannie Mae Hickson (DeCoster)    
Jimmy Hickson
Judy Hickson
Larry Holloway   
John Jackson
Lorretta James (Pigatt)  
Jerry Jefferson  
Toney Jefferson
Eugene Joe
Rickey Johnson
Sylvester Johnson  
Barry Jones  
Brenda Jones  
Deneice Jones  
Patricia Keels (Dixon)
Victoria Kemp
Dorothy A Kennedy (Keith)    
Arthur Lesesne    
Pitts Lesesne  
Calvin Lowery   
Michael Lucas
Mary Lyde
Beverly Martin  
Johnny McDowell
Brenda McElveen
Terry McFadden    
Jasper McKithen  
Portia Miles   
Lynn Moore (McLeod)  
Renee Moore (Anderson)  
Michael Morris   
David Moses   
Beth Munn (Weatherly)   
Clifton O'Quinn
Loretta Peterson (Williams)
Alex Pettigrew
Idia Ree Pettigrew (Bass)
James Ed Pigate    
Donnie Redden
Carolyn Samuel (Dickens)
Carroll Samuel  
James Samuel  
Preston Samuel, III
Byran Sansbury
Elaine Sansbury    
Johnnie Marie Simon
Timothy Smith    
William Smith
Wyndall Strickland
Jerome Sumter
Cynthia Thurman
Barbara Timmons (Samuel)   
Levern Ward   
Elijah Wiliams
Irby Wilson   
Rose Woods
Phyllis Wright  
Renee Wright
Cleo Young
Sylvia Young
Barbara Zimmerman (Garner)

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