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Dan Garnitz posted a message.
May 10, 2017 at 4:51 PM

Class of "68 is having their Golden Reunion during Golden Week 2018 in San Diego, CA and has invited adjoing classes as well. Time will be available for each class to have their own mini reunions during this event. Event in April 27 - May 1, 2018 so mark your calendar and let's see which of the classes can have the largest turnout. Details may be found at http://www.tsunaguasij.net/

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Jul 05, 2016 at 2:33 PM

Hello classmates.I'm now grandma to five lovely but exhausting kids. Here I am in the photos with Sofia, my grand-daughter #2 born in May 2016; with my daughter Yumi, her husband Antoine and their daughter Emi (age 2). The other photo is with my grandson #2 Raphael, born in October 2015 to my son Remi and his English wife Kate. The 4th photo is with the Governors of Bangkok and of Santiago de Chile, taken during the Chicago Forum on Global Cities in June this year. Grandma Minja is super busy between teaching at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium; speaking at various international conferences, and of course baby-sitting my four toddlers & babies, and playing with my brilliant 12-year old step-grand daughter Amelie (eg. my son's step-daughter). I'm still based in Paris although I'm in Tokyo 2-3 months every year with my 90-year old mother. I do hope to see more of my classmates so do please get in touch.

Dan Garnitz posted a message.
Oct 25, 2015 at 5:54 PM

Just heard from Ellen Shang ..... A group got together in Paris begining of October....

Seven classmates from the Class of 1970 got together at the home of Minja Yang in Paris, and went on an adventure to the south of France in early October, 2015. Here are some photos from that memorable week. Minja, a long time resident of Paris, took us on an adventure through the villages in the Luberon Hills, Provence, where she has a home. Please share in the alumni magazine.

First photo below at Minja’s place in Paris: L to R: Ellen Shang Travis, Ellen Gadsby (who happened to be in Paris and joined our lunch), Linda Hillel, Mary Sung Katayama, Ruth Gill Mizukami, Minja Yang (wonderful host and tour leader), and Aloha Voll.

In subsequent photos below: Linda Meraxa also joined our road trip. The group gathered from Jakarta, Bangkok, Tokyo, DC, Portland and San Francisco. Some of us have known each other since kindergarten and hope to plan another trip in a few years!

Best regards,
Ellen Shang Travis
Class of 1970

Dan Garnitz changed his "Now" picture.
Jul 31, 2014 at 9:58 PM
Dan Garnitz changed his profile picture.
Jul 31, 2014 at 9:56 PM
